Mind Control by Jose Delgado in the 1960s

Did you know that mind control, which seems quite distant even today, was tried in the 1960s and laid the groundwork for today’s conspiracy theories?

mind control‘ is a frequently encountered topic nowadays, especially in the entertainment industry. In fact, we would not be wrong if we say that we have not seen it used for very good purposes until now. So much so that in order to ensure that large masses of people are controlled for the sake of evil purposes, movies and games We see this method being used in the world.

When we look at the productions on this subject, it is remarkable that they usually take place in the distant future. Well, while mind control seems distant to us even today, in the 1960s Did you know that it was carried out successfully? The one who undersigned this and became the focus of numerous criticisms. by Jose Delgado Let’s take a closer look at the experiment.

Who is Jose Delgado in short?

Full name Jose Manuel Rodriguez Delgado The Spanish scientist worked at Yale University. Born in 1915, Delgado wanted to pursue a career in medicine.

He completed his doctorate in 1936, after which he was captured in the Spanish civil war. In this context, he had to do his doctorate again. This time he turned to the field of physiology.

He was keen to learn the secrets of the brain. But he learned what he didn’t want from the very beginning.

John Fulton

Renowned Neurologist by John FultonSeeing that chimpanzees damage the frontal lobe of their brains, Delgado found this quite inappropriate. It should be noted that this later contributed to the lobotomy method.

Anyway, Delgado’s aim is without damaging the brain. Parkinson’s and to treat diseases such as epilepsy.

So what was his suggested method?

José Delgado

Delgado, placed in the brain He believed that with the help of his instrument called Stimoceiver, neurological problems that caused both personal and social problems could be solved.

Examples of these situations epilepsy and we can show a tendency towards violence for no reason.

Animal studies were carried out first.


At this point, a certain amount is roughly applied to certain parts of the brain. electrical signals certain actions were sent. You can see the results of this in the headings below.

Here, the animal is allowed to turn left and right.

Here, too, we can see that the aggression is instantly removed.

Moving the eye to the right with electrical signals

And finally, cognitive control of hunger.

Surprising results from other chimpanzees:


He constantly keeps other chimpanzees in his cage. disturbing Delgado, who applied this method to a monkey, activated an electrical signal. switch and placed it in the cage.

Seeing that this key calms the aggressive creature a femalesoon realized this and began to use it, and the cage was for the contents. more peaceful took a turn.

The monkey

In another experiment paddy A receiver was implanted in a female chimpanzee named Chimpanzee. Thanks to the receiver, which detects a certain signal received by the chimpanzee’s amygdala (causing crises), and each time this signal is detected, it produces another signal that makes the creature uneasy. 50 percent rate was decreased.

This gave rise to hopes that it would help alleviate the crises people are experiencing.

Electrodes placed in the brain were monitored through monitors. In this way, it was possible to observe which action caused which movement.


At least that was the case at first. So from the heads of the subjects to big screens There were cables running around.

But this is both range of motion was also limited infection was increasing the risk.

As a solution, he created receivers that can be controlled by radio signals.

José Delgado

In this way, the cable problem was saved.

Delgado, who had the animals perform certain movements, did not get the same results in human experiments.

Because here is Delgado’s purpose, as we said before. neurological to diseases treatment was to find. In this context, he could not find out in which part of the brain epilepsy plays a role.

On top of that, your brain than you think more complex He also said that he was.

What happened as a result of these experiments that failed to achieve their purpose?

36 year old epilepsy A woman with the disease met with researchers after Delgado’s treatment. flirt started to do.

In addition, patients with epilepsy 11 year old one child had a rather sullen expression before the treatment but became quite friendly after the treatment. “I would like to be a girlThere is also an interpretation of this child, whose origin is unknown.

Delgado wondered one day how angry bulls that were specifically produced for wrestling would respond to this experiment.


The brains of the bulls, which were sedated using anesthesia with the help of assistants in a few days, buyer placed. Specially produced for wrestling in total 4 bulls existed.

Facing the bull in the ring, Delgado turned to the bull himself. while crashing He used the device in his hand and the bull headed in the other direction as you can see in the video. Moreover, his aggressive behavior seems to have disappeared.

After that, Delgado real fame Let’s say he won. Because after the experiment, he was receiving messages from numerous media outlets.

When you hear Delgado, don’t think of the ‘mad scientist typing’ that brutally experiments on people and ignores them.

José Delgado

While it is quite possible, let’s give the objective part. Aware of the inconsistency of this treatment Delgadohad turned down a large number of volunteers. “Up to this point he had experimented on animals what will happen?Before I say, let me state that.

In the scientific world, this whether it is ethical You can’t hear a single comment about it. Delgado disapproved of what Fulton did. You may not approve of what Delgado did. Here, his aim was to find solutions to diseases such as Parkinson’s.

Let’s not pass without mentioning the connection between 2022 and the 1960s:

José Delgado

At that time, our tradesmen (coming of the word) were our brothers/sisters “Delgado will chip our brains‘ he was raising the crowd. Conspiracy theorists became even more concerned when they saw the military providing financial support to Delgado.

But Delgado responded that these sponsorships malicious intent stated that it does not.

In fact, a woman who had nothing to do with him told Delgado, he has a chip in his brain It is known that he even filed a million-dollar lawsuit on the grounds.

The only thing that has changed today is the names.

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What happened then?

Minister of health in Spain, from Delgado to spain He wanted her to return and attend medical school in Madrid. This, “Will I deal with you?“It wasn’t like an escape. For Delgado, the offer just wasn’t meant to be rejected.


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Delgado, who moved back to America after a while, in 2011 passed away to life.

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