Microsoft was hacked by Russia!

Microsoft, like every big company from time to time to cyber attacks is exposed. The company is faced with one of these again. Moreover, the attack made SolarWinds has the same source as the violations. company for this attack Russia blames hackers.

Microsoft, 2020 in the year SolarWinds same responsible for the violation Russian-backed hackerscontinues to attack the global technology supply chain, he said. The company said it has been brutally targeting cloud service vendors and others since the summer.

Biden pointed to China in attack on Microsoft

A claim came from the Biden administration about the cyber attacks on Microsoft. The White House blamed the Chinese government for the hack.

Was Microsoft able to prevent the cyber attack?

Microsoft‘Fame nobelium The cyber-attack team, which he named as . Customers of cloud service vendors Information Technology (Information TechnologyIT) aimed to restore direct access to their systems. Vendors act as intermediaries between software and hardware manufacturers and product users.

According to Microsoft’s blog post, this attack was noticed when it was still in its early stages. After that nobeliumHe mentioned that he shared these developments with cloud service vendors and technology providers to prevent .

Microsoft, May since nobeliummonitors its activities. The attacking group more than 140 It was recorded that he targeted the company. Of these 14 was said to be endangered. attacks July Since then, it has become even more brutal.

The size and target of the cyber attack

Microsoft, 609 customer’s nobelium by 22,868 He said he had been attacked once. He said he had some success, albeit low. This number represents more attacks than all national state actors in the last three years.

earlier this month Microsoft, last year Seattle Most of the state-sponsored attack detected by the software and internet giant Russiareported that it has created . Most of the attacks government agencies in the USA and think tankstargeted it. Ukraine, England and European NATO members it is the continuation of the ranking.

The company’s last activity, RussiaHe said that it is another indication that . He then added that he was trying to establish a mechanism to investigate targets of interest to the Russian government now or in the future.

You MicrosoftWhat do you think about this Russian state-based cyber attack? You can share your ideas with us in the comments.

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