Microsoft starts selling cheap Xbox Series X

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, almost every industry is grappling with the chip crisis, from tech to automobiles. Last year, some analysts said that the chip shortage is likely to end significantly in 2023, with the decrease in the number of cases due to the rapid increase in vaccination studies around the world.

However, an event that may not even cross the mind of anyone: Russia-Ukraine war happened. While two Ukrainian companies, which undertake half of the world’s semiconductor-class neon production, suspend all their work, the concerns that technology production will come to a halt, companies have emerged. refurbished product went into business.

Apple starts selling cheap iPhone 12 Pro

Apple has started selling refurbished iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro abroad at discounted prices from $110 to $180.

Refurbished Xbox Series X deal for $30 off

We mentioned that Apple sells refurbished iPhone 12 Pro and Pro Max in its online store. Now a similar move has come from Microsoft. One of the strongest members of the game console market, which suffered the most from the chip crisis. Refurbished version of Xbox Series X It was put up for sale on the tech giant’s website.

xbox series x

The product, which is sold as “official certified by Microsoft”, is not available in the Turkish market for now. However, considering that the Xbox Series X has officially arrived in Turkey, its refurbished version may be on sale soon. According to the statement, in order to use this product, it is necessary to buy a digital game with it.

It’s not limited to just that. Refurbished Xbox Series X, $469 ($30 cheaper) It can be purchased, but an Xbox controller is also required. So at the end of the day, the digital game + controller costs more than $500 out of the customer’s pocket. The original price of the device is $ 499.

12 months warranty

Microsoft stated that the refurbished Xbox Series X passed the necessary quality control tests and met all standards. Also, users 12 months warranty period company, which also recognizes Each customer can only buy 1 explained.

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