Microsoft announces Vall-E artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence craze Microsoft also agrees. Microsoft researchers have announced their artificial intelligence project that can simulate a person’s voice when given a three-second voice sample. VALL-E The new “text-to-speech artificial intelligence” model is based on a technology called EnCodec.

What is Microsoft Vall-E artificial intelligence?

Microsoft has announced its AI-based model that can imitate a person’s voice with just a three-second voice sample. Unlike other methods of synthesizing speech by changing waveforms, VALL-E is able to analyze the sound a person makes. The model, which divides this information into components, can extract the “codec” information of that audio using the training data.

Microsoft said that VALL-E has enhanced its speech synthesis capability with publicly available audiobooks created by Meta. It used an audio library called LibriLight, which contains 60,000 hours of English speaking from more than 7,000 speakers.

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Another hike from Microsoft to Xbox Series S!

Microsoft may be planning a new hike for the Xbox Series S. According to industry analysts, change due to the exchange rate is at the door.

VALL-E can operate without pre-designed preset sounds and is capable of learning by analysis. In other words, he can even learn words he has never heard before. Microsoft’s artificial intelligence modelhas not yet been made publicly available.

The company did not neglect to take precautions on various issues, especially security. He stated that he is working on a detection model for situations such as imitating a person’s voice or impersonating a particular speaker.


Apple, on the other hand, previously announced the artificial intelligence model that makes books sound. Apple Books plans to make many books aloud using its artificial intelligence and voice synthesis model.

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