Metaverse Will Exploit Money For 5 Years

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced in a statement to shareholders that the metaverse project will consume a ‘significant’ amount of money over the next 5 years. In addition to Zuckerberg, an important statement came from the company’s board of directors.

It will lead to the start of a new trend all over the world in October 2021 metaverse prediction Introducing Facebook, it also changed its name and determined its new name as Meta. Since then, the company continues to make regular statements about the metaverse and share its plans.

In this context, finally, Meta CEO From Mark Zuckerberg A new statement has come. According to the details shared by Bloomberg, Zuckerberg said that in his last meeting with his shareholders, the company’s metaverse project will consume a ‘significant’ amount of money over the next five years explained.

The hardware is aimed to be cheap enough to be accessible to everyone:

Attending this year’s leg of the annual investor meeting, Zuckerberg said to investors:We want to ensure that hardware is as affordable as possible for everyone and that the digital economy grows.” he declared. While the highlights of Zuckerberg’s statements ended here, an important opinion came from the company’s board of directors.

In its document submitted to the SEC, the Meta Board of Directors stated that many of the “embodied internet” products within the scope of the company’s metaverse project. not likely to happen in the next 10 to 15 years. shared. These statements and Zuckerberg’s statement, which was a warning to investors, showed that a large part of Meta’s money would go to the future of the metaverse. The company for even willing to harm looks like.


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