Metaverse Partnership from Epic Games and Lego

It has been announced that Epic Games, one of the leading companies in the game world, and Lego, known for its iconic toys, video games and movies, have established a metaverse partnership. According to the news, the two giant companies will come together to create a virtual space for children.

The concept of metaverse, in which many giant companies invest, is becoming more and more popular day by day. Metaverse, which is already described as the technology of the future, makes the idea that people can spend their daily lives in virtual universes in the future more and more ‘likely’.

Although there are some doubts about the use of this technology, we come across a new metaverse news every day. Now the giant toy company based in Denmark Lego and the US game giant From Epic Games There has been a new move on this increasingly common subject. Two giant companies in the entertainment industry announced that they have partnered to establish a metaverse platform for children.

A virtual world will be created for children

According to the news of The Verge, Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, which was released recently and attracted great attention, increased its focus on video games. Legothe company behind Fortnite Epic Games and decided to come together to create a virtual universe for children. Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney also expressed his excitement about the subject in his statements: We’re excited to come together at Metaverse to create a fun space designed for kids and families.

It should be noted that for now, details about the partnership are scarce. However, in a joint statement made by the two companies, family friend expressions were used that they will be sure that they will:Lego Group and Epic Games hope the next version of the internet is for kids considering the good He combines his experience to make sure it’s designed.”

While there is no information on what this new virtual world will look like, when it will be released, or on which platforms it will be available, both companies do not support children. security and privacy will be protectedIn addition, parents can control their digital experiences. controlling emphasizes that they will be


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It should be noted that there are some doubts about the effects that Metaverse may have on children. In a study conducted last month, it was revealed that children entering the metaverse can easily enter sexually explicit virtual places. For this reason, experts said that the control will need to be tightened; He noted that otherwise he could pose a great danger.

What is the metaverse?

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