Metaverse Instruction from President Erdogan to His Party

According to the details conveyed from the MYK meeting held the other day, President Erdoğan stated that the metaverse is a sensitive issue. He then told his staff to organize a workshop.

The metaverse movement, which started with the announcement of Facebook’s new name Meta, towards the end of last year, has become one of the main focal points of many companies and institutions. While the number of users of today’s metaverse platforms continues to increase day by day, an important statement came from Turkey today.

The Central Executive Board (MYK) meeting, chaired by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, hosted the metaverse issue. According to the information conveyed, during the meeting, Deputy Chairman of the AK Party and Head of Information and Communication Technologies Ömer Ileri said, a presentation on the metaverse performed.

“Organize a workshop attended by experts”

After this presentation, President Erdoğan made an assessment about the metaverse. In Erdogan’s statement, for the metaverse, “A sensitive subject, do a good and meticulous study. Organize a workshop attended by experts in this field” His expressions were shared. Thus, it was signaled that metaverse studies would start in our country as well.


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Recently, the AK Party announced that it held its first meeting on the metaverse. It was shared that the Parliamentary Group Deputy Chairman Mahir Ünal, Information and Communication Technologies Head Ömer Ileri and the Parliamentary Group Deputy Chairman Mustafa Elitaş attended the meeting. President Erdoğan also commented on the metaverse on January 12, “At a time when artificial intelligence and digital fictions advancing towards creating a parallel world beyond real life surround us. we have to go higher” had used the words.

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