Metaverse Explained by Square Enix

Japanese company Square Enix, the developer of games like Final Fantasy, is also involved in the blockchain and metaverse. The company president announced that they will release decentralized games on the play-win principle in 2022.

As it is known, the popularity of Metaverse is increasing rapidly as giant companies and countries invest billions of dollars. Millions of people are trying to keep up with this situation, buying and holding digital assets for future use. As you can imagine game companies is one of the leading investors in Metaverse.

Now, it has emerged that Japanese company Square Enix, the developer of games such as Final Fantasy and Tomb Raider, is considering focusing on the metaverse and blockchain. With the new year, new statements came from the president of the company, which we shared with you that he wanted to be included in NFTs in the past months.

‘Decentralized games’

Square Enix President Yosuke Matsuda made statements about the company’s new year goals. Matsuda, the company’s 2022 play-win principle ‘decentralized games’ He noted that he will start publishing and focusing more on the blockchain. The following statements were included in the President’s statements:

Having fun, making money and contributing will inspire people to interact with games and bond more closely with each other. Blockchain based tokens and those who will make it happen. By incorporating such tokens into our games, we will create in-game digital economies and allow games to grow on their own. To these ‘decentralized gamesWe can say in . Our main target in 2022 will be such games. As a company, we closely follow the social changes created by cryptocurrencies. In the future our own tokens It is also among our plans to increase our efforts by


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Square Enix did not share any information about which games will be for the metaverse or blockchain. Finally, we should mention that giant game companies are increasing their investments in NFTs, blockchain and metaverse day by day. These environments, in which millions of dollars of money are returned, are described by many experts and officials as having the potential to change everything, and the future of the internet seen as. So, what do you think about the investments of game companies on these issues? You can share your thoughts in the comments.

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