Meta is locking accounts without Facebook Protect enabled!

Earlier this month, some Facebook users received an email that appeared to be spam by the platform. In the incoming message, users were told that they should follow the instructions of Facebook Protect security measures to avoid suspension of their accounts.

The profiles of users who did not see these automatic e-mails sent by the company or did not click on the link shared in the message, considering it to be fake, started to be locked one by one on the grounds that the specified date had expired.

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What is Facebook Protect?

According to the statement made by Facebook officials, Facebook Protect is a new feature that has emerged to ensure the protection of accounts with some steps such as two-factor authentication that should be followed against hacking threats. In the statement, it was said:

Facebook Protect is a security program for groups of people who are more likely to be targeted by malicious hackers, such as human rights defenders, journalists, and government officials.

Although Facebook does not lock and suspend accounts indefinitely without informing anyone. [email protected] Many of the users chose to ignore the e-mail he sent over, as they thought it was spam or malware sharing.

The first expiry date given by Facebook to users to protect their accounts with Facebook Protect was March 17. Therefore, the accounts of those who did not take the necessary actions until the end of this period were suspended indefinitely.

Some people even stated that new messages continue to come to the phone numbers registered in two-factor verification, although the system insistently tells them to perform this operation, but they cannot access their accounts. So they say there might be a problem with the feature.

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