Meta is being sued for a technology it uses on Facebook!

Like every big tech company MetaIn its old form, Facebook also faces various lawsuits from time to time. Due to the format of the social media platform or the streaming trends, the patent fights of the application or the technologies used by the company can be the reason for these lawsuits.

This time, Meta was sued for a technology it used for Facebook. We have explained the details of the lawsuit filed by the State of Texas for you. Here is the Facebook technology that is the subject of the lawsuit…

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Famous graphics card manufacturer NVIDIA has become the 7th most valuable company in the USA, surpassing Facebook’s parent company Meta.

Texas doesn’t want to use Facebook’s facial recognition system

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton‘s reason to sue Meta was because of the facial recognition system Facebook uses. The photo tagging system Meta uses on Facebook Capture or Use of a Texas Biometric Identifier (CUBIThe lawsuit allegedly violating the ) Act was filed in district state court today.

Facebook face recognition feature

Texas wants financial damages reimbursed and an end to the unauthorized use of Texans’ biometric data. The aforementioned CUBI restrictions 2009 It was accepted in the year and its ruling still continues. This law requires consent with an information form before collecting biometric data such as facial geometry.

According to the lawsuit, Facebook scans user photos without permission, and the automatic tagging system amounts to aggregated biometric data collection. In addition, in a previous case, InstagramIt also brings to mind the claim that ‘s scanning images for facial recognition, which is claimed to contradict the statements in the user privacy and security agreement.

Dina El-Kassaby, Meta Policy and Crisis Communication Manager stated that the allegations were groundless and that they would defend themselves to the end. The Texas Attorney General’s Office claims that “Facebook seized the biometric identifiers of millions of Texans for a commercial purpose without their informed consent and did not destroy them within a reasonable time.”

Litigation for every CUBI violation $25,000 fine and additional per each Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act violation 10,000 dollars demands. Wall Street JournalAccording to the ‘s report, this figure will be equivalent to a total of hundreds of billions of dollars.

What do you guys think of this lawsuit filed by Texas against Meta? Do not forget to share your ideas and opinions with us in the comments.

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