Messaging Between Chain Markets Appeared

There has been a remarkable development regarding the chain markets, which are claimed to have become a monopoly by increasing their prices together. Messaging emerged, allegedly to market officials from different chains, revealing that chain stores are in contact with each other. These messages were also included in the Competition Authority’s investigation.

At the beginning of the issues that we have been talking about for a while in Turkey. chain markets is coming. Chain markets, which were put on the target board by the statements made by President Erdoğan, are allegedly responsible for the increase in food prices in Turkey. In order to reveal the origin of all these claims, chain market managers these days, Competition Authoritywithin the scope of the investigation initiated by they are defending.

Allegedly, chain stores kept in touch with each other to create a monopoly they created. A101, one of the chain stores subject to the investigation, rejected this claim. Now, there has been a remarkable development in this regard. Dilek Güngör from Sabah Newspaper, the relationship between chain market managers and each other. their messages revealed. The messages in question seem to put companies in trouble.

Seems like they played with the prices in an organized way

Some of the messages that are stated to be under the investigation of the Competition Authority are as follows:

  • Market Official: Shelf prices will rise as of Tuesday. Monday is organized and everyone has to switch to Tuesday.
  • Manufacturer Company Representative: We are switching to the shelf price of 39.95 TL on Monday. We’ll email you Monday morning.
  • Market Official: Okay, we’ll be past by Tuesday. (The correspondence between the market official and the oil producer company official)
  • Person A: If the producer can organize the market for selling prices, I will also share the price transition form within the day. We present the price transition form for your information, for manufacturer branded snack products and 4 snack products not listed in Competitor 1. We request your approval to exceed the selling and buying price with Competitor 2 and Competitor 3 tomorrow…
  • Person B: But we weren’t going to write these articles like that, were we?
  • Market Official: Competitor 1’s sales price increased in liquid and tablet dishwashing liquid products. For other products, there will be a price increase tomorrow simultaneously with Competitor 2 and Competitor 3, based on your approval. It will be entered into the system according to the approval. (The correspondence between a market’s own officials…)


New Decision from the Competition Authority: An Investigation Has Been Opened against

Competition Authority’s investigation, for a while will remain on the agenda. After the examinations and defenses to be made, the institution that will decide, if the allegations are proven, the chain stores will reach record levels. punishment Waiting.

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