Math Questions in Who Wants To Be A Millionaire [Test]

“Who wants to be a millionaire?” Knowing all of these 16 simple math questions that challenge the competitors in the competition is not as easy as it seems.

Although the questions are quite simple trying to calculate in that atmosphere It can double the excitement, which makes even simple questions go unknowable.

So how do you compare these math questions to the competitors? at the screen Will you be able to answer all of them correctly although you are more comfortable? If you are confident, let us invite you to solve the following questions right away.

Let’s start with a simple question: What name has a group of numbers in mathematics?

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Question 2: What is 5 minus 5 more than 5 divided by 5 divided by 5?

Who wants to be a millionaire

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Question 3: What number is subtracted from 1000 to get 777?

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Question 4: Which one is a different length from the others?

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Question 5: Which number is a multiple of both 2 and 3 and 5?

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Question 6: What is 18 more than the number whose half is 122?

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Question 7: If 12 passengers got on a minibus at the first stop, 7 passengers got off at the 2nd stop and 5 passengers boarded, 6 passengers got on and 3 passengers got off at the 3rd stop, how many passengers are on the minibus?

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Question 8: What is an angle whose measure is 80 degrees?

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Question 9: What is the result of 497 x 33?

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Question 10: In a minibus where 1.75 TL is charged from each passenger, the driver “6 people for 20 liras?” If he gets a positive answer to the question, how much change should he give?

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Question 11: If you add 4 to one fourth of 4, what number will you find?

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Question 12: If you eat all but 9 of the 27 cashews in a bowl, how many cashews are left in the bowl?

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Question 13: Which vehicle is moving faster than the other three?

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Question 14: What will be the result if double of two is subtracted from three times three?

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Question 15: If the total price of a chocolate and a chewing gum is 11 lira in the market, if the chocolate is 10 lira more expensive than the chewing gum, what is the price of the gum?

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Last question: What is 1 million times 1 million?

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Let’s get the answers. How many could you do?


How Many Of These Simple Questions Can You Know In ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionaire’?


Can You Know These Questions Asked In ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionaire’, Worth At Least 30,000 TL?


How Many Of These Simple Questions Answered Correctly In “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?” Will You Know? [Test]

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