Marvel boss Kevin Feige: “We haven’t even finished the tip of the iceberg yet.”

Kevin Feige, the mastermind behind the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), believes that although they have produced more than 40 projects since the franchise’s inception with 2008’s Iron Man, they have only scratched the surface of the vast Marvel comic book universe.

Marvel Cinematic Universe boss Kevin Feige said that even after 32 films, they have only processed very few of the comics.

In an interview with Variety, Feige expressed his admiration for the vast roster of intriguing characters Marvel comics has developed over 85 years: “Even after 32 films, it still feels like we haven’t gotten past the tip of the iceberg.”

Although the MCU has already produced 45 projects, there is still a lot of source material from the comics that has not yet been brought to the big screen. For example, X-Men, which is an important side story of the universe, will appear in the MCU for the first time in the near future.

In addition, the MCU has not yet adapted the Fantastic Four, one of Marvel’s first movie adaptations. The Fantastic Four’s entry into the MCU is planned for 2025. Director Matt Shakman hints that this film will depart from established MCU norms, promising a unique storytelling approach and a different style than previous MCU films.

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Shakman said: “It’s different in so many ways… I wish I could say more. But we’re doing very different things story-wise, in terms of approaching filmmaking, and that really suits the material. I wish I could say more. I would love to, but I can’t say. But I think it’s going to be like nothing you’ve seen before, and certainly not like anything you’ve seen from Marvel before.”

Marvel’s upcoming projects include “The Marvels”, the sequel to Captain Marvel, and the sequel to Loki, whose second season will air on Disney Plus. What are you thinking? Please don’t forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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