Marl: SEK deployment: father of the knife attacker from ICE928 arrested | Regional


Marl – It is 9 p.m. when the SEK rams open the apartment door on the seventh floor of the high-rise building in Marl. Wood splinters, then at the same moment heavily armed elite policemen storm into the apartment with submachine guns at the ready. But the target is not at home.

The special forces are looking for Mohamad Muhyiddin A. According to BILD information, the man is said to be the father of ICE assassin Abdalrahman A. (27), who attacked travelers with a knife on the train from Regensburg to Nuremberg on the same day. Four men (26, 39, 60, 60) were seriously injured in the cowardly attack.

Everyone who left or entered the building was checked

Photo: Bergische Blaulichtnews / Oelbermann

The police operation in the Ruhr area continues until late at night. With a large contingent officers comb through the huge building, police officers with submachine guns secure every floor in the stairwell. Dogs are also used in the search. Everyone who enters or leaves the building is checked.

Teaser picture

One of the two arrested men gets into the car

Photo: Bergische Blaulichtnews / Oelbermann

At 11:36 p.m., two men approach the skyscraper. They show the officers their IDs – arrest!

BILD learned: One of the two men is said to be Mohamad A. The man and his companion were questioned at police headquarters that night. Was an arrest warrant issued to them? Not clear! Detective Director Sabine Nagel only confirms: “There were extensive investigations and searches in the perpetrator’s family environment.”

The investigation continues. Nagel: “There is no evidence of an Islamist background. We assume a lone perpetrator. ”A psychiatric expert diagnosed the Syrian with paranoid schizophrenia.

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