Market Maker Wintermute Hacked: $160 Million Loss

Crypto market maker Wintermute was hacked, losing close to $160 million in 90 different assets.

wintermute CEO Evgeny Gaevoy September 20 on from social media account about the platform being hacked 160 million dollars announced that they lost worth of digital assets. from attack CeFi and OTC Stating that their transactions were not affected, the CEO said, adequate level of liquidity. He stated that there was no need to panic.

The CEO said in his statement that the total amount of the stolen out of 90 assets and that the highest amount stolen from an asset 2.5 million dollars That’s why it didn’t pass panic selling should be avoided expressed.

Also, Gaevoy will not have any difficulty in paying his debts but if the lenders so wish, that they can call back stated. CEO, if attackers contact a constructive attitude He said they would follow.

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