Mark Zuckerberg Announces Horizon Worlds, Meta’s New Initiative

Managing the world’s largest social media applications MetaCEO of Mark Zuckerberg After the big losses in the last period, he made an attempt where the developers could also make money.

Horizon Worlds Experiments Have Started

According to the post by Mark Zuckerberg himself, Meta is now Horizon Worlds He is working on earning a virtual reality application called.

The monetization initiative in question is based on developers both developing the game and taking advantage of it. Although the virtual reality game is only available to a certain number of developers at the moment, it can be said that it is a turning point in the long-term strategy of the company.

In the post published last night, the following statements were made on the subject:

Entrepreneurs and creators will have more freedom to produce a business plan that works for them. As a result, we are proud to take this step and create a $10 million fund called the Horizon Creators Fund, which we announced in October last year.”

Meta stated that a group of people is currently selected and only people with US and Canadian citizens can test the application for now.

Zuckerberg’s game Horizon Worlds is not based on blockchain technology and does not support NFT. In fact, these two shortcomings received great criticism, but it can be said that Zuckerberg did this for full control.

Meta, or Facebook as it was formerly known, lost $10 billion in valuation in a short time, and the company wants to make up for it.

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