March Good news for DOGE and Shiba Inu from Famous Company!

AMC CEO Adam Aron said on Twitter that the cinema chain is on track to add Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) as payment options. He gave the news that this development will most likely take place in “March”. We give the details as

AMC to accept Shiba Inu and DOGE payments from March

Last year, the movie theater chain started accepting cryptocurrencies as a payment option. Customers were able to purchase movie tickets using Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin. Adam Aron, CEO of AMC, confirmed that Dogecoin will soon join the list of accepted cryptos. At the same time, Aron conducted a poll to his Twitter followers asking whether the theater chain would also accept the Shiba Inu. With the conclusion of the survey, the CEO announced in November that SHIB will arrive on the platform in 60-120 days in cooperation with BitPay.

BitPay is a popular crypto payment processor that recently added Shiba Inu to its platform at Aron’s request. Since the adoption of SHIB and DOGE by the world’s largest cinema chain is big news for meme coins adoption, the community naturally wondered when AMC would finally accept them for payments. Yesterday, Aron decided to break his silence and responded to a follower who asked about it. “Probably in March, we were told that the promised first-quarter execution would come true,” the CEO said. The adoption momentum of meme coins has been strong lately. Just last month, tech retail giant Newegg began accepting the Shiba Inu as a payment option. Dogecoin (DOGE) price and detailed market data from here you can see.

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