Many of the UFO Images Aren’t What You Think

According to the statement made by the US Department of Defense Pentagon, none of the UFO images shared in the last 20 years are really UFOs.

For the last 1 or 2 years, especially by the USAalien theme‘, many documents have been published and we have reported many of them. However, an alien contact has never been proven, it has always remained in theory and seems to remain so.

media ‘Pentagon‘, the United States Department of Defense made a statement about unidentified flying objects (UFOs) that would disappoint many conspiracy theorists.

“Most of the UFO images you see are from Chinese Surveillance drones”

In its statement, the Pentagon announced that the UFO images that have been shared in the last 20 years and that have become viral among the media / public do not really belong to UFOs. Some of the images that went viral China Surveillance droneSome of them belonged to clouds of different shapes.

Just a few months ago, the navy of the United States said in a statement that ‘UFO footage not seen by the public, only seen by the military. announced that it was, and it made a big noise. Now the Ministry of Defense’s making such a statement has left the square empty for conspiracy theorists.


USA Announces ‘UFO Footage No One Watched’ Except for Military Members!

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