macOS 12.2 Beta 2 update released

Apple, which released the macOs 12.2 Beta 1 update in December, has released the Beta 2 version to users as of today. Fixed bugs and issues detected in beta 1 version macOS 12.2 Beta 2It also has performance improvements.

Mac and iPads in one mouse/keyboard It is estimated that the Universal Control feature, which provides the opportunity to control over the internet, will come in the first spring of 2022. Although it is not included in macOS 12.2 Beta 2, it is developed by Apple. Universal Control, available to users in the final version.

Apple delays Universal Control feature

In the middle of this year, Apple announced a feature that connects its devices. But users will have to wait a bit for the bug-free version.

macOS 12.2 Beta 2 update available to developers

Users registered to the beta program of the macOS Monterey operating system will be able to download the new version from the Software Update tab. It is worth remembering that Apple has not yet released an update for iOS 15.2.

macOS 12.2 Beta 2 update available to developers

21D5039d macOS 12.2 Beta 2, released with the update number, also comes with improvements in the Apple Music application. Stating that the speed of navigating between items has increased, the company has made some changes in the design. The update is also in the Safari app on the new MacBook Pro. ProMotion With the improvement in the navigation feature, it appeared before the users.

Many users report that the macOS Monterey version is slow. It is estimated that the company has fixed the slow running issue to a certain extent in the macOS 12.2 Beta 2 update.

Beta updates may not be available to end users. We recommend using stable versions released by Apple to prevent possible data loss and system problems.

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