Mac Pro 2022 specs leaked

Introducing the M2 processor in the past months, Apple continues to work on the new Mac Pro model. The specs of the Mac Pro 2022 model have been leaked.

Mac Pro 2022 specs leaked

The current Mac Studio qualifies as the fastest Mac Apple currently sells. Mac Studio, sold with M1 Max and M1 Ultra processors, manages to outperform its competitors in performance. Known as the flagship model of the Mac family, the Mac Pro will allegedly meet users with the M2 Ultra processor.

A recent report from Bloomberg revealed that a number of Macs have been tested, including a Mac Pro codenamed J180. It is stated that the device, codenamed J180, has been tested with the successor of the M1 Ultra processor. Apple is expected to introduce M2 Ultra and M2 Max processors in the third quarter of 2022.

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A report from last year claimed that the new Mac Pro will be introduced, offering up to 128 GPU cores and 40 CPU cores. M1 Ultra Mac Studio, which is predicted to come with twice the hardware features, can be used with 2 M1 Ultras instead of M2 processors.

The new device is expected to come with the same design as the Mac Pro model currently on sale. It is estimated that the Mac Pro 2022 will be introduced with a pricing policy of between $3,999 and $5,999. Allegedly, Apple will introduce the new Mac Pro model at its event in September.

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