Low-budget games that make big money

In the game world low budget games also covers an important area. Contrary to the productions produced by studios with high budgets and pockets that we are accustomed to, these works, which come out with more limited resources, can also turn the market upside down. A few of these games, in particular, manage to make really mind-blowing amounts of money.

Alright low budget games Which are the most well-known? We have prepared a list of 10 independent productions for you.

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Can low-budget games be successful?

Different productions are waiting for you in our list, which has a mixed order. Especially low-budget games, where there is no category distinction, will surprise you with the money they earn. These games, which are sometimes produced by a small group of friends and sometimes released by only one person, can confuse the market. In particular, we can say that a few productions are full of surprises in this regard.

Terraria – 2011


terrariain fact MinecraftDid you know that he’s been out before? Number one on our list of low-budget games, it has inspired many productions with its business model. Only 12 persons developed by a team Terraria’from the exit of 2020 April’until 14 million PCs It was reported that he sold a copy. While the figures on other consoles are unknown, it was reported that the production had an income of over $ 200 million.

Hollow Knight – 2017


2017 released in Hollow Knight, moved the stones in the market. Only and only 4-man Team Cherry The production, which was gifted to the game world by the company, did not only collect the awards. For Hollow Knight, according to the latest figures 2.8 million surpassed the sales figure.

Fez – 2012


We are together with an extraordinary member of our low-budget games list. 2012 in the year Xbox Live Arcade offered for sale via Fez, within the first day 20 thousand pieces sold it. The production, which successfully came to other consoles, was completed by the end of the first year. 2 million dollars had income.

Stardew Valley – 2016


Eric Barone by 2016 released in the Stardew Valley, once again became one of the productions that swept the market. Also just 1 person The production, which was developed by and highly acclaimed for its calm gameplay, was released at the end of the first year. 2 million Steam purchased by user. In the ensuing process, the game 50 million dollars It turned out to be profitable.

Super Meat Boy – 2010


Notable for its difficulty Super Meat Boy ends the first half of our list. 2010 The production, which was released in 2017, was famous for its successful use of platform elements. Also just for 3 person The production, which bears the signature of a team, also draws attention with the money it earns. After the first year of production 1 million passed the threshold very quickly.

Braid – 2008


2008 entered the market in brad, just as Stardew Valley like a single person. Jonathan Blow’The production developed by the company has an important place among platform games. with this 2008production in 2014 according to data from $4 million managed to earn income. Jonathan Blow with the money earned from the game. The Witnesshad developed.

Castle Crashers – 2008


brad released the same year as Castle Crashers, managed to garner accolades. 2012 debut production, only from day one 20 thousand managed to break the record by selling units. However, the game was $2.6 million earned income. Multiplayer focused Castle Crashers, It also makes a name for itself with its platform elements.

PUBG – 2017


Although it is surprising PUBGis on our list of low-budget games. 2017The production, which was first made available in Rigging 2 It welcomed the players as a mod in it. later on a team of 35 people Koran blueholepaved the way for the production that would become a phenomenon. with a simple logic PUBG, 4 million copies in the first 3 months sold it. early access in the first 3 days if the game 11 million dollars announced that he won. in another studio PUBG Mobile if more than $5 billion managed to earn income.

Minecraft – 2011


Best seller in games history second production the one which Minecraft’We cannot pass without listing it. 2011The game released in Markus Alexej Persson Developed by 2014interested in the game Mojang, Microsoft by 2.5 billion dollars Purchased. According to the current figures of the production, which has a large fan base, 200 million It turned out that it exceeded the number of sales.

Tetris – 1984


We close our list of low-budget games with the best-selling game in world history. Firstly 1984 released in the Tetris, since then 500 million pieces sold. with this 50 different The game, which debuted on the platform, initially welcomed the players with limited technology and opportunities. However, according to a simple calculation made in the current process, the production $2.5 billion It is estimated to earn income.

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