Lines of Code in Games That Extend Like Edicts

We look at how many lines of code it takes to create legendary games.

We know that the games in which we get lost even in their vineyards, gardens, cities and planets are in the eyes of our computers. just texts and models. Even this sentence alone can make you see the difficulty of providing a realistic gaming experience.

For this, developers need to add detail after detail. This means writing more code each time. So, have you ever wondered which games contain the most coding in the gaming world?

Cyberpunk 2077 epitomizes the state of gaming today.

We know! One of the games that you, our valued readers, are most curious about lately is Cyberpunk 2077. Unfortunately, there is no definitive information about the use of codes by the game company, but experts say that for this and a similar game at least 1 to 1.5 million lines of code They state that it is necessary. This is actually at a level that can be considered normal for a game with today’s conditions and graphics.

There is a well-known name on the list that will surprise you; Minecraft!


Actually, we cannot say that Minecraft has realistic graphics, but the game is overall It contains 500 thousand lines of coding.

Another game that will surprise you with the number of codes is The Witcher 3.

Witcher 3

Known for its impressive graphics and wonderful nature, The Witcher 3 is still popular even in its 2013 release. 1 million lines of code had exceeded it.

You might be surprised to see Age of Empires Online on the list as well.

Age of Empires Online

This legendary game, where some civilizations rise and some civilizations fall, will push you to become a real leader. It contains 1 million lines of coding.

World of Warcraft, which drags players into a fantastic and unlimited adventure, ranks 4th on our list.

World of Warcraft

As for World of Warcraft It is known that it contains 5.5 million lines of code. World of Warcraft, where you can face stunning battles while exploring mysterious dungeons, offers players an incredible experience with its various classes and growing world.

GTA 5, which has not only been played for years but still manages to be one of the most played games, is our next game.

Grand Theft Auto 5

It is known that GTA 5 contains almost 36 million lines of coding. GTA 5 is an open world game, just like Red Dead Redemption 2, but this game takes place in the present day. GTA 5 invites players to the chaos, crime-filled world of Los Santos with its realistic graphics and gripping story.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is at the top of our list.

Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 has approximately 60 million lines of coding. Set in the late 1800s, Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the best open world games released by Rockstar Games. In this game, where you can get a complete ‘wild west’ feeling, you can travel through forests, deserts and explore the rich nature.

Our game in general The topics it deals with are loyalty, betrayal and the aim of survival. You will be truly surprised when you see the attention the game pays to the smallest details, which is one of the things that makes this game great! If ‘Wild West’ If you want to get lost in the feeling and incredible details, this game is for you.

How many million lines of code do you think GTA 6 will have?

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