‘Let’s Wow Hackathon’ Begins on March 12!

Let’s WoW Hackathon, organized by Women in Games Turkey in partnership with OGEM and the British Council, will be held at the Game Development Center on March 12-13. Participants in the hackathon will develop game ideas to draw attention to gender equality, whether individually or as a group.

Aiming to increase the employment of women in the gaming industry, to help women enter the gaming and esports industry, and most importantly, to ensure gender equality and end discrimination, Women in Games in TurkeyLet’s WoW in Equality Game‘ will hold the hackathon. The event will aim to draw attention to gender equality and raise awareness not only in the gaming world but also in every field.

The hackathon, which will be held in partnership with OGEM and the British Council, will be held with university students. University students at the Hackathon with the power of the game world raise awareness of gender equality will target. During the activity, students will develop game ideas for this purpose.

Developed game ideas will be displayed in the digital art exhibition:

University students and non-governmental organizations will develop games individually or in groups at the event, which will be held in the days when Game Jam culture continues to spread in our country. Game ideas developed in the hackathon will be displayed at the ‘Let’s Wow in Equality Game’ Digital Art Exhibition at the Women of the World festival to be held at Museum Gazhane on March 19-20. Ideas also at The Next Level Conference at the London Games Festival on April 4 It will be shared as a case study..

Let’s WoW Hackathon will be held at the Game Development Center established in the Golden Horn with the support of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality between 12 – 13 March. physically will be performed. Saturday, March 12 at 10:00 hackathon, which will start with trainings, Sunday, March 13 at 20:00 it will end. To join the event to this link Click to fill out the form. Application deadline is March 9!

Happy International Women’s Day to all our female readers!

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