Leipzig: Family doctor rejects corona vaccination as “bodily harm” | Regional

Leipzig – Long queues in front of the vaccination stations, up to three hours waiting time!

In Leipzig alone, the fourth wave drives hundreds to the mobile vaccination teams every day (including in the main train station, Höfe am Brühl), although they could also get vaccinated by their family doctor.

But some doctors no longer want to administer the vaccines from Biontech, Moderna and Co. A family doctor’s practice in Connewitz even speaks of bodily harm!

“Lately, mainly patients came to me who stated that the reason for the vaccination was the pressure of society, pressure from employers and general restrictions in public life,” writes doctor Torsten Mahn on his homepage. “However, the patient’s consent is a basic requirement for a medical intervention.”

A vaccination is not an emergency. In order to give consent, the patient must be fully informed and the decision must not be made under pressure or under threat of sanctions. The free decision is currently no longer given. “But this corresponds to bodily harm to which I am not entitled and unwilling,” said Mahn.

The doctor’s statements met with severe criticism from the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians in Saxony and the Saxon State Medical Association. “All publicly recommended vaccinations, such as the vaccination against Corona, are only carried out after medical information and the individual consent of the vaccinated person,” they explain in a joint statement. “Doctors who are vaccinating do not commit bodily harm!”

To generally assume that patients are no longer able to make a free vaccination decision due to the current social discussion, and that this is the only reason why they are no longer vaccinated, is therefore not in conformity with the professional code. Vaccination against the corona virus is currently one of the core tasks of (family) medical practice.

Erik Bodendieck, President of the Saxon State Medical Association and family doctor: “A doctor who describes this vaccination as’ bodily harm ” not only spreads false reports, but also discredits all Saxon doctors who vaccinate on the basis of science.”

The KV board chairman Dr. Klaus Heckemann adds: “It is also remarkable in a negative sense that this is an academic teaching practice at the University of Leipzig and we know that the University of Leipzig has distanced itself sharply from these statements.”

When asked by BILD, general practitioner Torsten Mahn initially did not want to comment …

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