LEGO is a Valuable Investment Vehicle, Even Gold

Russian National Research University conducted a research that will whet the appetite of those interested in investment. As a result of the researches, it was determined that an investment tool that appreciated much faster than commodities such as foreign currency, gold or silver.

Investing has been one of the sectors that people attach great importance to in every period of history. Sometimes people just to avoid inflation sometimes they made investments to earn more money and this situation continues unabated today. Now, as a result of the investigations, more valuable than many commodities Let’s talk about an investment vehicle. This investment vehicle, LEGO sets…

We all know LEGOs. We put together tiny little pieces, sometimes we build a house, sometimes a car. These are the products, at least in some countries. gold, silver or foreign currency It turned out that it evaluates much faster than investment tools such as Russian National Research University (HSE) found that those who invested their money in LEGO may have gotten rich. So how did it become a “toy”, Is it even more valuable than gold?

No longer manufactured LEGO sets are worth more than any commodity

According to research by the Russian National Research University, LEGO sets are from global stock markets and economic crises. little affected. The main reason for this was the variable structure of LEGO sets. So much so that the company only a few years produced and then new models were released. And this paved the way for making money from LEGO. According to the study’s author, Professor Victoria Dobrynskaya, people who own a LEGO set that is no longer manufactured will use it. antique itemThey can sell it as jewelry or other valuables.


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According to the reviews, LEGO sets were built from 1987 to 2015. around 11 percent evaluated. Not even gold, stocks or bonds had risen like this in the same period. Reaching the unopened packages of the sets that are no longer produced, second-hand or almost impossible to find in the market, the experts say that the profit rate of a large set in 8 years. 2,230 percent they found out. Reminding that not all models gain that much value, experts underlined that special thematic sets such as the Taj Mahal, Millennium Falcon and Imperial Star Destroyer have become the most valuable LEGO sets.

This content is definitely not investment advice 🙂

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