Legendary Twin Grichka Bogdanoff Dies

The Bogdanoff twins: the twins who manipulate the markets with one phone! Everyone knew them that way, but what actually made the famous twins so important was more than just the meme in question. But one of the twins is no longer alive! Grichka Bogdanoff died at the age of 72 as a result of complications due to the Covid-19 virus.

Brothers Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff, who, according to a popular crypto meme, could change the market with a single phone, were known as twins, one with a math and the other a physics doctorate, who went unrecognizable after a series of sensational plastic surgeries.

The twins, who first gained fame as the co-hosts of the television show “Temps X”, were quickly remembered for their unique looks.

However, the features that made the twins so recognizable were not limited to these. Some of the traits the brothers were said to possess were: talking to aliens on Earth and beyond, having psychic powers and an IQ of more than 9,000, controlling special nanobots called bogdabots, owning all the genetic research facilities on earth, and when exactly knowing what you are buying and being able to guide the market.

The famous twins were even involved in Satoshi discussions for a while. Claiming that they helped Satoshi Nakamoto create Bitcoin, the twins said that they played an active role in the preparation of some of the source code. But what is most on the crypto world’s mind is “What happens when a Bogdanoff calls?” Undoubtedly, they will be remembered with the question:

He didn’t dump it – YouTube

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