Legendary Trader Shared The List Of His Selected Altcoin Projects!

Most cryptocurrencies are busy trying to break out of an overall downtrend. Meanwhile, the portfolio of a trading robot with a reputation for outperforming the markets was exposed. Robot shares the latest portfolio allocations. Real Vision Bot conducts surveys each week to compile algorithmic portfolio reviews that generate a “hive mind” consensus.

Trader-bot shares altcoin portfolio

The latest data from the bot reveals that the risk appetite of traders has decreased significantly compared to a week ago. Most market participants are voting to give their portfolios extra weight, with the three major altcoins in addition to the top crypto assets Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH). ETH layer-2 solution Polygon (MATIC) takes the first place with 26 percent allocation. Ethereum competitor and layer-1 blockchain Solana (SOL) placed second with 20 percent allocation. Finally, major altcoin Polkadot (DOT), the interoperable blockchain, has seen an allocation of 17 percent. The general view is as follows:

  • Bitcoin: 47 percent
  • Ethereum: 41 percent
  • Polygon: 26 percent
  • Wither: 20 percent
  • Polkadot: 17 percent
Cryptocurrencies and rates in this week’s portfolio of the Real Vision bot

Polkadot is followed closely by the US dollar-pegged stablecoin USD Coin (USDC), Quant Network (QNT), and layer-1 Blockchain Cosmos (ATOM). Real Vision Bot was jointly developed by quantitative analyst Moritz Seibert and statistician Moritz Heiden. Real Vision founder Raoul Pal described the bot’s historic performance as “amazing”. The former Goldman Sachs executive said that the bot outperformed the top 20 cryptoassets in the market combined by more than 20 percent.

Background of the bot

Real Vision’s trading algorithm topped the list of top 20 cryptos by as much as 20 percent. According to Real Vision’s website, the performance is astonishing and there are bigger plans for the Bot on the horizon. Moritz Seibert, CEO of Munich Re Investment Partners and co-founder of Twoquants.com, developed the Real Vision Bot, a subscriber-driven trading algorithm that uses the collective wisdom of RV visionaries to democratically decide which tokens to buy and sell.

The World Famous Stock Exchange Has Added These 6 Altcoins To Its List!

The performance was amazing and shows that sometimes it is better to trade with the momentum of other traders. The most exciting of the plans, according to the site, is the full transition to a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). Seibert has been working with the highly experienced Mona El Isa, CEO and founder of Avantgarde Finance, who has been deep in the world of Blockchain-based venture capital since 2016.

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