LeBlanc CT in Lol, Abilities, Strengths and Weaknesses

LeBlanc, the deceitful illusionist of Noxus, tricks everyone with his cunning. Taking on the role of the mid lane sorcerer assassin, LeBlanc is one of those characters who knows no bounds when it comes to frustration.

His mobility, his clone from his passive, etc. LeBlanc, who uses the nickname The Helm to the end with many of his features, throughout the game, including his own corridor. can reveal the presence.

In his own lane throughout the game even if he loses thanks to its mobility able to navigate the map LeBlanc somehow finds his way to improve. It is not easy to prevent this.

LeBlanc CTs: strong opponents against LeBlanc

  • Qiyana
  • Akshan
  • vex
  • Diana
  • Cassiopeia

Since LeBlanc is a mage and assassin, he comes out with his basic damage abilities, and as with many mage characters, he is against characters at close range. can have problems. He has the abilities to keep his range, but at his own pace. adaptable The characters can be annoying.

All the abilities of LeBlanc, who mock his victims with his illusions:


  • Passive / Mirror Image: When LeBlanc drops below 40% max health, he creates a Mirror Image that does no damage for 1 second and can persist for up to 8 seconds.
  • Q / Seal of Evil: LeBlanc projects a seal, dealing damage and marking his target for 3.5 seconds. Damaging the marked target with an ability detonates the seal, inflicting additional damage.
  • W / Strike: LeBlanc dashes to a location, dealing damage to enemies near his target. The hammer can be reused for the next 4 seconds to return LeBlanc to his starting point.
  • E / Imaginary Chain: LeBlanc launches a chain that binds the first enemy hit. If the target is chained for 1.5 seconds, they are rooted by LeBlanc and take bonus damage.
  • R/Imitation: LeBlanc uses an imitation of one of his core abilities.

Rogue illusionist LeBlanc’s strengths and weaknesses:

LeBlanc's strengths and weaknesses

LeBlanc’s strengths:

  • Being a very active character
  • Very high instant damage
  • Easy to escape from raids

LeBlanc’s strong point is across the map because of his mobility. being too dominant and the ability to enter and exit battles easily. On top of that, if you can use the instant damage correctly, the character becomes quite strong.

LeBlanc’s weak features:

  • Losing dominance late in the game
  • The character needs to tap all abilities for significant damage
  • Weakness to crowd control

LeBlanc is pretty good from the early to mid game. raid a character. But this dominance is late in the game. slowly starting to lose. Moreover, for the character’s maximum damage potential, it is necessary to match all his average abilities. Of course, as with many characters, being ineffective against crowd control is no exception in LeBlanc.

How to play LeBlanc in LoL? Gameplay tips:


  • LeBlanc is a character who can blend the role of mage-assassin with mobility. So once your abilities are unlocked, you can roam the map and raid other corridors.
  • Your W ability is the most basic mechanic of hitting and you can simply go back to your old position after you dash forward and deal your damage with W ability.
  • Fighting against multiple people is a threat to many assassins, but not so much for LeBlanc given his mobility. Especially with good use of W ability, you can fight against more than one person comfortably.

LeBlanc is a character that gets stronger at level 3. Considering its mobility when all its abilities are unlocked, it is very comfortable to other corridors. you can raid. In addition, thanks to your mobility, you can avoid raids. very easy to get rid of it works too. Fighting against multiple opponents is normally always at a disadvantage. In LeBlanc, this is still the case. although it is about With the good use of your abilities, you have a chance to kill at least one of your opponents and come back from the battle.

How to play against LeBlanc in LoL, how to beat LeBlanc?


  • LeBlanc is a character that stands out for his mobility and early-stage damage. Therefore, a defensive game can be displayed as the danger level will increase from the 3rd level.
  • LeBlanc’s E chain can’t hit behind minions, so you can wall up minions in the lane phase
  • Crowd control is LeBlanc’s weak spot, as with many other characters. Having crowd-controlled characters on your team will work against LeBlanc throughout the game, although not in the lane phase.

Playing a game against LeBlanc is normal. it’s not so easy. The instant damage and mobility of the character are very more advantages it gives. But of course, there are ways to deal with it. For example: If you are not as active a character as LeBlanc and you cannot help your team while he is raiding, then you should push your own corridor as much as possible and fight with the tower. your punishment possible. Likewise, playing behind a minion while playing in the lane phase will allow you to avoid E.

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