Leading Cardano Based Lending Protocol

The general sale of BSCPad and ADAPad for Cardano-based lending protocol AdaLend (ADAL) will take place on March 14. Here are the details…

Cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance in the era of growth

Cryptocurrencies and DeFi are experiencing a period of serious growth:

  • The total locked value (TVL) of tokens in DeFi protocols increased 357 percent across all blockchains to $255.39 billion.
  • In January 2022 alone, over $2.5 trillion was traded in cryptocurrencies.
  • The global crypto market cap is currently over $2 trillion.

In the field, crypto lending has become the most dynamic niche. Over $35 billion of TVL is in DeFi lending protocols dominated by Ethereum, with a 54 percent share as of January 2022. The problem is that Ethereum is slow, expensive and lacks scalability:

  • Ethereum can only handle 10 to 15 transactions per second, meaning that the order to trade is accumulated and delayed faster than it is executed.
  • Gas costs can be exorbitant when demand is high, averaging over $50 per transaction, as seen in January 2022.
  • Ethereum’s market share is declining rapidly after reaching 97 percent in January 2021 as developers and crypto investors flock to more flexible and versatile blockchains.

AdaLend tries to solve DeFi challenges

To permanently solve DeFi’s challenges, AdaLend has developed a user-friendly, scalable and fully decentralized layer-1 platform for instant loan approval, automatic collateral, custody, and increased credit liquidity. Built on Cardano Blockchain, the leading proof-of-stake (POS) protocol, AdaLend aims to unleash the next generation of seamless, fast and secure crypto lending. AdaLend’s features are both innovative and powerful:

  • A unique architecture: The AdaLend protocol aims to increase the efficiency of capital flows by managing several credit pools via the native ADAL token. Each pool has several key components: the liquidation model, the utilization rate, and the borrowing/lending rate. The protocol automatically transfers lending positions between users, providing tokenization for deposited assets.
  • Incentivized liquidity: DeFi lending protocols need to attract Liquidity Providers (LPs) to share assets in pools to enable lending. AdaLend does this by offering strong incentives and APYs to invest assets in LPs and increase lending liquidity.
  • Flexible lending options: All lending on AdaLend is permissionless, trustless and can be done in any token parity. Managing the protocol ensures that the best offers are available and only the safest oracles are used to set pricing and rates.
  • Decentralized and democratic management: All ADAL token holders can actively participate in the management of AdaLend, vote on proposals and determine the future development of the platform. AdaLend DAO creates a democratic, open access and fully transparent financial ecosystem to scale globally.
  • Idle asset optimization: AdaLend minimizes the usage rate for unstable coins and maximizes token circulation, making it a bird with two stones. The protocol maintains high liquidity levels for users and offers attractive lending rates for borrowers. In addition, AdaLend minimizes the idle assets on the platform by shifting them to stable trading platforms. This means that users with tokens in cold wallets can now use them to support the AdaLend protocol and earn additional rewards in the process.

The capabilities of Cardano Blockchain are the magic fuel that powers AdaLend’s long-term expansion plan.

Why Cardano? AdaLend’s competitiveness

Cardano is a versatile, scalable and cost-effective Blockchain ideal for building a next-generation crypto lending platform. It is a proof-of-stake (PoS) chain created by Ethereum co-founder Charles Hoskinson in 2017, where code updates are rigorously reviewed. The advantages of Cardano are obvious:

Productivity: Cardano is 47,000 times more energy efficient than Bitcoin and is a leader in the field as an eco-friendly blockchain.

Scalability: Cardano can process 250 transactions per second (TPS). This amount is estimated to eventually reach 1 million TPS

Cost-effectiveness: Cardano’s fees are currently around $0.35 per transaction, 100 times lower than Ethereum.

Increased acceleration: Interest and investment in Cardano has been growing consistently, with TVL hitting an all-time high of $133.3 million as of March 2 and the number of wallets holding Cardano’s local currency ADA recently surpassed three million.

Plutus: ADALend's Decentralized Application Backend

AdaLend (ADAL) is being released on various launchpads

Until now, Ethereum-based platforms like Aave have dominated the DeFi lending space. This is rapidly changing as the DeFi market seeks faster, cheaper and more scalable solutions. AdaLend is this solution and investors accept it. The September 2021 special sale sold 1.8M ADAL tokens, raising $540,000 in less than an hour. AdaLend will hold a public sale on five launchpads (BSCPad, VelasPad, PulsePad, ADAPad and ETHPad) on March 14 to fund its growth plans.

These are the most popular launchpads among investors and allow pre-sale ADAL tokens at a discounted price. Once the ADAL token is listed, it will be traded on major crypto exchanges affiliated with launchpads, gaining instant liquidity and visibility. With its unique features, unprecedented capabilities and built-in scalability, AdaLend is ready to usher in the new era of DeFi lending.

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