Last Minute For These 6 Altcoins: There Is Binance News!

Tap Network, acquired by OneOf, is preparing to launch new products for NFT, Blockchain and e-commerce. In this post, you can find the latest integration and partnership news from the altcoin market, including a recent Binance investment.

This altcoin could receive $5 million in funding from Binance

cryptocoin.comAs you follow, Binance recently completed the 8th token burn event for Terra Luna Classic (LUNC). In a recent development, the exchange is evaluating the Terra Grants Foundation’s $5 million funding application. Edward Kim, Director of the Terra Grants Foundation, announced the investment in a Medium blog post on Saturday.

If Binance accepts the Terra Grants Foundation’s request, it will receive the $5 million in two tranches of $2.5 million. The investment is not clear yet.

Lisk launches Web3 app-specific developer accelerator

Open-source Web3 platform Lisk has announced that it has launched a new accelerator program aimed at expanding its ecosystem. The program aims to attract experienced developers and entrepreneurs who want to create a Web3 application using Lisk’s software development kit (SDK).

The first period of the accelerator program, which started on 20 March, will last until 30 June, and the second period will last from 1 September to 30 November. Applications will be accepted twice, and Lisk aims to find and support projects working on Blockchain solutions that specialize in applications.

This altcoin became the most viewed crypto in North America and Oceania

According to CoinMarketCap data (XRP), it is among the most viewed cryptocurrencies in North America and Oceania. The report described the performance of the cryptocurrency scene in Q1, taking into account some notable trends among individual assets.

According to the report, XRP took the bulk of the market share related to assets displayed in North America and Oceania. In terms of price, it saw a 10.66% share of investor interest in North America, making it the fourth most viewed cryptocurrency in the region. The most watched projects by region are as follows:

In addition, XRP ranked fourth among the most added cryptocurrencies to investors’ watch lists in the first quarter of 2023. Added to the watchlist of 158,754 from January to March. For context, Ethereum, holding sixth place, was added to the watchlist of 95,100 within the time frame.

NFT platform OneOf acquires Tap Network

In an investment news, NFT platform OneOf has acquired Blockchain rewards tool Tap Network to help major companies connect with their consumers on the Web3. As part of the launch, OneOf is launching OnePlatform, a turnkey option for companies looking to expand into Web3, combining elements of e-commerce, data and loyalty programs.

Lin Dai, CEO and co-founder of OneOf, said that integrating Tap Network will help more companies and customers engage with Web3 through e-commerce.

Ankr opens its developers to this altcoin project

Ankr, a leading provider of blockchain infrastructure solutions, has announced a new offering: a public blockchain that connects others through ZetaChain’s RPC connection and gateway. The move is seen as an important step for developers looking to build interoperable and connected dApps on ZetaChain.

ZetaChain is the world’s first and only decentralized L1 Blockchain with built-in cross-chain interoperability that connects all Blockchains, including non-smart contract chains such as Bitcoin and Dogecoin.

Ankr’s ZetaChain RPCs (Remote Procedure Calls) will serve as a messenger or Blockchain router, transferring on-chain information between ZetaChain nodes, dApps and end users. This will eliminate the need for many developers to set up their own ZetaChain nodes, eliminating hours spent creating, calibrating and fixing node issues.

UGS Labs and HadeSwap partnership

In recent developments from the NFT market, Core and HadeSwap have announced a new integration that will allow users to instantly sell NFTs purchased using Core to HadeSwap’s automated market maker (AMM) pools.

The announcement was made by UGS Labs, the team behind the project. According to the report, the integration represents Solana’s first automated liquidity provider for NFTs and is an important milestone in the rapidly growing world of Blockchain-based collections.

The integration of Core and HadeSwap makes it easy for NFT holders to monetize their assets. By selling their NFTs to HadeSwap’s AMM pools, users will be able to convert their digital collections into other cryptocurrencies or even cash with greater speed and efficiency.

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