Last Minute For These 12 Altcoins From Binance: Delisted!

Binance, one of the leading altcoin exchanges, recently announced that it will make various changes to spot trading pairs and leveraged tokens. These changes are aimed at optimizing trading options and providing a better experience for users. The regulations will come into effect on certain dates, and users are advised to pay attention to the following details. Here are the details…

Binance will remove certain altcoin pairs

Effective July 13, 2023 at 06:00 CEST, Binance will remove and stop trading the following spot trading pairs: API3/BUSD, BLZ/BUSD, GHST/BUSD, NEXO/BUSD, STPT/BUSD and WIN/BUSD. However, users need not worry as these assets will continue to be available for trading on other trading pairs offered by Binance. The decision to remove these specific spot trading pairs is part of Binance’s efforts to optimize its trading ecosystem and provide a more streamlined experience for users.

In addition, Binance will also terminate the Trading Bots services for the above-mentioned spot trading pairs on the same date and time. Users who are already using Trading Bots for any of these trading pairs are strongly advised to update or cancel their bots before the Trading Bots services are stopped to avoid potential losses.

Leveraged tokens for XRP are also delisted

In addition, Binance announced that XRPUP and XRPDOWN leveraged tokens will be delisted and redeemed at 06:00 on July 25, 2023. Users holding these leveraged tokens are encouraged to use them before they are delisted. Redemption can be done through the wallet function or the Leverage Tokens page. For users who are unable to use their leveraged tokens prior to delisting, Binance will convert them to USDT upon delisting based on the net asset value (NAV) of the tokens. Converted USDT tokens will then be distributed to users’ accounts within 24 hours. Once the distribution is complete, leveraged token assets will be removed from the wallet.

Here is a List of 10 Altcoins That Scream 'Invest'!

Added new assets to Cross Margin

More positively, Binance has introduced four new loanable assets on Cross Margin. Users can now borrow PENDLE, STORJ, XEC, and XVG for USDT. These additions expand the range of options available for margin trading, allowing users to explore new investment opportunities. Users are advised to refer to the Margin Data provided by Binance for detailed information on updated collateralized assets, specific limits, margin rate and rates.

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