Last 4 days for TÜRKSAT 5B satellite!

Turksat 5B satellite was successfully launched into space (last December) from Cape Canaveral base in Florida, USA, with Falcon 9 rocket belonging to Elon Musk’s SpaceX company. The satellite, which left the rocket about 6 months ago, finally takes its place in orbit.

TÜRKSAT 5B satellite is put into service!

The TÜRKSAT 5B satellite, which will serve in 42 degrees east orbit, will be placed in orbit in the coming days. In fact, according to what was shared on social media by Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Adil Karaismailoğlu, it will enter the desired service on June 14, 2022.

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What will Turksat 5B satellite bring?

With the launch of Türksat 5B into space this morning, the number of active communication satellites in Turkey reached five and the total number of satellites reached eight. The new satellite, which provides 20 times more capacity efficiency than fixed class satellites, is evaluated in the High Efficiency Satellite class.

Once Türksat 5B starts to operate actively, it will provide services in the entire Middle East, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Mediterranean, North and East Africa, Nigeria, South Africa and regions belonging to its close neighbor countries. It will transmit data of more than 55 Gbps in total with Ka-Band payload.

Türksat 5B satellite, which will offer more than 15 times more data flow compared to other satellites thanks to Ka-Band data transmission; will play a major role, especially in the aviation and maritime sectors. At the same time, it will contribute to the establishment of a wider internet infrastructure by providing access to places that cannot be accessed by terrestrial infrastructure.

With a launch weight of 4.5 tons, Türksat 5B has a power capacity of 15kW and a new generation electric propulsion system. For the satellite, which has a life expectancy of more than 35 years, there will be ground stations in three provinces of Turkey. Ka-Bant ground stations established in Ankara, Izmir and Van will start service immediately after the satellite is placed in orbit.

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