Kraken CEO Announces: We’re Watching These Altcoin Markets!

Jesse Powell, CEO of crypto exchange Kraken, revealed in a new interview that Kraken is working on building a new Non Fungible Token (NFT) platform while watching the metaverse altcoin projects bloom. Also, the famous CEO shared his Bitcoin predictions. We also have Jesse Powell’s explanations and predictions, compiled for our readers.

Metaverse altcoin projects and NFT market on the radar

Jesse Powell says that this year the exchange has recognized the growing popularity of NFTs like the Bored Ape Yacht Club and virtual worlds like altcoin projects Decentraland (MANA) and The Sandbox (SAND) and plans to curb it:

We are currently working on an NFT platform to enable investors to take advantage of the evolving NFT market.

According to Jesse Powell, the metaverse base will grow larger as NFTs become badges denoting memberships in certain virtual clubs:

We’ve seen a tremendous amount of activity lately around NFTs with various metaverses, basically virtual worlds. So land or existing objects in a virtual world, digital clothes you can wear, they often offer proof of membership in a virtual club. We think this is going to be something bigger and bigger, and we want to be ahead of it for people.

Jesse Powell says it is possible for Bitcoin to drop below $40,000 again, and if it does, it will present another buying opportunity for BTC bulls:

Many people see anything under $40,000 as an opportunity to buy. When we got back to $30,000 a few months ago, I was personally buying it. I think a lot of people expect it to come back to the lowest prices.

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