Known as ‘The Solana Killer’, This Altcoin Is Entering The Year 2023 Ambitious!

Ambitious altcoin of Aptos (APT) The co-founder says that many innovations will come to the blockchain project in 2023.

Founder of ‘Solana Killer’ Altcoin Aptos (APT) Announces 2023 Plans

CEO and co-founder of Aptos Mo Shaikhcrypto phenomenon Scott Melker in a new interview with (DeFi) He said that he will see significant developments in the field.

“There are some really cool DeFi features coming to life soon that take advantage of not only things like the Move but also parallel transaction processing,” he added.

So, central limit order books, AMMs (automated market makers), DEXs (decentralized exchanges) all these would be really great elements to draw attention to Aptos.

This will be incremental changes in innovation relative to everything we’ve seen in the previous generation blockchain. That’s why we look forward to all this.”

The Aptos chain uses a programming language called Move, which was originally produced for the crypto project Diem, which Meta gave up. Aptos aims to advance Diem’s ​​goal of producing a fast and scalable blockchain.

Shaikh also says that Aptos was built with billions of users in mind, making it appealing to larger organizations.

Shaikh is another thing we focused on, it was a little frustrating to hear big companies talk about Web3 but do nothing.

This was partly because they thought, ‘We’re going to do a little pilot and we’re going to do some testing here, but we know these things don’t really work for millions of people.

That’s why we won’t take the risk of bringing all of our users to this second or first tier, he said.

At the time of this writing aptosthe highest level of the month at $5.43 40%with more than 3.21 It was traded in dollars.

*Not investment advice.

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