Kızılay Steps into Metaverse with Meta (Facebook)

The President of the Red Crescent, which took place in Switzerland, Dr. During the meeting between Kerem Tınık and Meta officials, new agreements were signed to increase the scope of Kızılay’s existing projects and to create the metaverse branch of some of its processes.

With the agreement between Kızılay and Meta, Kızılay first aid and disasters in order to reach more people with their work on preparatory matters. metaverse It was decided to move forward. In addition, the works to be carried out by the Red Crescent within the framework of the agreement Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp The effects of what is made available to national associations via the website will be increased and globalized.

While the President of the Red Crescent, in his statement after the agreement, stated that they are excited about the globalization of the steps of the Red Crescent and that it is a good step towards nationalization, on the metaverse:

“One of the highlights among our future collaborations was Metaverse. We are starting to work to create solutions that will benefit from the opportunities offered by Metaverse in order to raise awareness on issues such as first aid and disaster preparedness and to make individuals more prepared.”

made statements.

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