Joe Biden Prepares to Sign Cryptocurrency Decree

US President Joe BidenThe decree, which includes the Central Bank digital currency (CBDC) work and will reveal the government’s strategies regarding cryptocurrencies, could be signed this week.

This long-awaited decree in the USA is defined as a very important decree, as it also contains important details about the crypto money strategy. According to the news based on the sources closely following the issue, the decree was given to the US Treasury Department and some other institutions. Central Bank digital currency CBDCAssignments will be made regarding the making of legal and economic evaluations regarding the creation of the .

In the news that one of the sources stated, there may be a significant change in the crypto money policy within 180 days, and this will be an important step in the creation of a digital currency by the Central Bank.

The White House has over the past year to combat the growing cybercrime and cryptocurrency announced that it would take some steps to ensure effective surveillance in the market.

This step by Biden did not go unnoticed, however, following the news that Russia will use cryptocurrencies to combat the economic sanctions of the West.

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen shared her comment last year that the misuse of cryptocurrencies in digital markets will pose a risk, but added that new financial technologies can help with some important issues such as fighting crime and reducing income inequality.

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