Izmir District Court of Justice Made a Precedent Decision About Cryptocurrencies!

in Muğla cryptocurrency İzmir Regional Court of Justice’s 23rd Civil Chamber had the last word in a compensation lawsuit filed against stock exchanges.

According to Anadolu Agency’s report, the Izmir Regional Court of Justice has decided that the Civil Court of First Instance is responsible for the compensation cases regarding crypto currency exchanges, not the Commercial Court.

The incident developed as follows: The partner of a company operating as a crypto money exchange in Muğla filed a compensation lawsuit against the other partner of the company, stating that the company’s activities suddenly stopped, the website was closed and he could not reach his crypto money.

In the compensation case, Muğla 2nd Civil Court of First Instance gave a decision of non-jurisdiction due to the fact that the case was a commercial one and sent the file to Muğla Commercial Court of First Instance.

Muğla Commercial Court of First Instance, on the other hand, stated that the defendant company was a merchant, but the plaintiff did not have a commercial personality and again gave a decision of non-jurisdiction.

Upon the decision of non-jurisdiction by both courts, the file came before the 23rd Law Office of the İzmir BAM.

Deciding on the task, the chamber ruled that the Muğla 2nd Civil Court of First Instance is in charge of dealing with the case.

In the precedent decision, it was stated that the case was about the collection of crypto money assets and there was no legal regulation regarding crypto money exchanges.

Cryptocurrency In the decision, in which it was explained that people make purchases and sales transactions on the stock exchange among themselves, it was determined that the disputed case is not an absolute or relative “commercial case”.

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