It’s time to say goodbye to Windows 7!

Windows 11With the release of , older operating systems are starting to expire. As new software is released, the company cuts support for old ones. Now is windows 7The end was slowly approaching. Microsoft and Google, they are adjusting their calendar to cut their support for the veteran operating system. After other cuts Microsoft recently announced ESU It also removes support. windows 7 When will support for it end? Here are the details…

Microsoft has decided to cool users off Windows 7 and 8!

Microsoft is discontinuing OneDrive support for Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1 operating systems. Here is that date!

Microsoft is discontinuing Windows 7 ESU support

windows 7 and 8/8.1 for operating systems OneDrive It was recently announced by the company that its support will be cut. March 1, 2022 After OneDrive support to be removed on Microsoft ESU support will also withdraw from Windows 7, so to speak. With this second blow, the operating system seems to become a system that many users will no longer prefer.

Some versions of Windows 7 still receive Microsoft support. These versions still benefit from the Extended Security Update (ESU) Program. Windows 7 SP1 and for Embedded Systems Windows 7 Professional known as. January 10, 2023Deadline for ESU support to be discontinued in Google and Microsoft determined by. Companies are determined to stick to the plan on their calendars.

Google in, Chrome about removing support, Microsoft He is considering a close date with. Win 7 users, January 15, 2023 Until date, they can use the Chrome browser on their systems. Before this date July 2021 was determined as. Afterwards, the company can provide flexibility and at least January 15, 2022 announced that it will provide support until the deadline. Now, Microsoft has decided to cut its support on the same date as ESU support.

You may be thinking that its use is rather infrequent and that almost no one uses Win 7 anymore. But 2021‘of September Looking at the bear data, Steam of its users 10 per centwas using this operating system. This news about the veteran operating system, which is used more than estimates, will upset its users.

If you are still using Windows 7, what do you think about Microsoft and Google cutting their support? Do not forget to share your ideas with us in the comments.

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