It’s finally coming: AppleGPT has been greenlit!

It has been reported that Apple, which prefers to remain silent against the latest developments in the field of technology, is working on an artificial intelligence similar to ChatGPT. The company, which rolled up its sleeves to produce a competitor model to ChatGPT, will compete with OpenAI’s model. ajax The Large Language Model (LLM), called to AppleGPT will give strength.

Ajax and AppleGPT appeared to rival OpenAI

ChatGPT, which is the center of attention of the whole world with its realistic and very accurate answers, has finally entered Apple’s radar. According to the latest leaked information, the technology giant, ajax He started working on his own AI model.

The chatbot is currently being tested by a small group of Apple employees. However, it is not yet clear when it will be available for use. Recent reports suggest that this chatbot will be integrated into Siri, making the virtual assistant smarter.

New images from the iPhone 15 series have arrived!

New images from the iPhone 15 series have arrived!

New details are coming about the iPhone 15 design, which has just been introduced. Today, new mockup images of the series were leaked.

Some sources collecting information within the company stated that Ajax is used to create large language models. He said it would also form the basis for a “ChatGPT-style” artificial intelligence tool.

It also seems possible that Apple will use the chatbot to power its other services. For example, Apple Music or to Apple TV+ The chat bot to be integrated can improve users’ experience in applications.

Apple’s development of an artificial intelligence like ChatGPT is a very important development. This shows that the company is looking for ways to use artificial intelligence to improve its services. However, it should be noted that no official announcement has been made yet.

So what do you guys think about this issue? You can share your views with us in the Comments section below.

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