It came true! Armed robot dogs enter the military

The US Naval Special Operations Command (MARSOC) is testing armed robot dogs produced by Ghost Robotics and equipped with AI targeting systems developed by Onyx Industries. These four-legged robots are each designed for unique tasks and can carry really powerful weapons. Here are the details…

These robot dogs are four-legged dogs known as Q-UGV. unmanned ground vehicles is defined as and is mainly reconnaissance and surveillance is used for this purpose. But the most exciting part is that these robots are armed and turned into soldiers for remote intervention. Previously by the US Marine Corps equipped with rocket launchers Robot dogs have been tested, but this time things seem to have gone a little further.

Currently, MARSOC is conducting tests on two-armed Q-UGV from Onyx Industries. These weapon systems carry the SENTRY remote weapon system (RWS), which features an AI-enabled digital imaging system. this system people, drones or tools It can automatically detect and track possible targets anywhere in the world. afar A human can report it to the operator.

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But the fact remains that the decision to pull the trigger is still a decision. by human is given, that is, the system is complete not automatic. A video shared by Onyx Industries on LinkedIn shows how a similar system works. Meanwhile, MARSOC believes that armed vehicles are not only many uses states that it is considered as one of the forms. So, what exactly will these robot dogs be used for in the future? not yet clear.

As this technology improves, armed robot dogs are likely to be seen more frequently on battlefields. However, this situation also raises serious questions about the future, potential risks and ethical issues of increasingly autonomous weapon systems. Similar systems may one day be police departments The reactions that may occur if used by someone are also worrying.

These AI-powered armed robot dogs will bring many opportunities and challenges both on the battlefield and in daily life. So what do you think about these crazy robot dogs? Are you ready to see more about this aspect of warfare technologies in the future? You can write your opinions in the comments section below.

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