Is WhatsApp eavesdropping? Critical statement from Google!

Last May, some Android users found that WhatsApp was actively using the microphone even though they were not on a call or sending a voicemail. Google was asked if this was a mistake or if WhatsApp was eavesdropping on people. So, will the first explanation be enough to relieve us or will we delete the application? Here are the details…

Clear answer from Google: Is WhatsApp eavesdropping?

For a long time, we have been hearing rumors from conspiracy theories that applications or technology manufacturers are eavesdropping on people and selling their data. Of course, there is also the case that this is done legally and our data is shared for personalized advertising purposes.

But many people say they often see an ad for something they talk to people about. For example, while sitting at your computer, you say to the person next to you that you want to buy cat food, and after a few minutes, food ads appear on a random website you enter.

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Due to such coincidental situations, people can also exhibit behaviors that they overreact to the smallest thing they see. A similar thing happened last month because of WhatsApp.

Some users have found that the app is accessing the microphone even if they are not currently using WhatsApp. We’ve even seen mass deletion campaigns begin after this circumstance spread with its evidence.

But by Google today Android Developers twitter The sharing on his account made people feel comfortable. It was said that the incident in question did not reflect the truth, and that there was a false report due to a bug in Android.

In other words, WhatsApp does not secretly listen to us using the phone’s microphone. However, a bug in the Android operating system produces incorrect privacy indicators and notifications in the Android Privacy Dashboard, thinking that the application is listening due to incorrect data reading.

So at the end of the day, Google apologized to WhatsApp for causing such confusion and said that the problem would be fixed through a simple update. Therefore, those who are considering deleting the application can now relax.

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