Is There Really Such a Thing as Air Conditioning Strike?

In recent days, scorching heat has prevailed almost all over Turkey. Each of us is looking for ways to escape from this overwhelming air and try to cool off with the methods we prefer. How do we do this? With air conditioners of course!

Although air conditioners are preferred for heating in winter, they are undoubtedly much more popular in summer when it comes to cooling. However, as we all know, these electric vehicles have some disadvantages along with their benefits. For example, air conditioners.

Alright Is air conditioner shock really a disease medically and air conditioner cold Is there such a thing?

In fact, this issue is highly controversial.

While some experts see air conditioner crash as a disease, some say that air conditioning is not a cause of discomfort on its own. that it can only invite some diseases means.

One of the main reasons we encounter air conditioner crashes is improper use of air conditioner. For example, the metabolism of each of us, a balance between heat production and heat loss has. If we run the air conditioner at a lower temperature than it should be, this balance is upset and unwanted symptoms are more likely to occur.

However, operating the air conditioner in extreme cold beyond the need, moving from a very hot environment to a suddenly cooled environment and prolonged exposure to this cold environment may cause the body’s heat balance to deteriorate.

Air conditioners are very successful in upsetting the humidity balance of the environment.

Air conditioning

In order to protect our health, the humidity level of the environment we are in should be within certain ranges. Research on this subject states that an average of 50% relative humidity should be in air-conditioned environments. If if this moisture balance is disturbed, air dryness may occur. and the eyes and upper respiratory tract are severely affected.


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In addition, when it comes to long-term use of air conditioners, the humidity balance of the environment is disturbed, to dehydration (fluid deficit) It can cause dryness and thirst in the mouth as well as eyes and upper respiratory problems.

In addition, when using the air conditioner, the settings must be adjusted according to the ideal temperature and humidity level of the environment. Otherwise Insufficient or excessive cooling can cause unwanted discomfort. Again, the cold air coming from the air conditioner should not be directed directly to the body. In summary, cooling should be provided in a balanced way.

Of course, air conditioner cleaning is a must in order to prevent air conditioner crashes.

air conditioner cleaning

How often the air conditioner is cleaned is undoubtedly very decisive in the risk of air conditioner shock. Filters that are not regularly replaced or cleaned can deteriorate indoor air quality. and thus the health problems that may be encountered become inevitable.

air conditioner filter

Although these health problems vary from person to person, headache, cough, cramp, nausea, vomiting, weakness, muscle and joint pains, runny nose and high fever It is one of the most common complaints. In addition, air conditioning shock can often be confused with other health problems, as these symptoms are very similar to those of upper respiratory tract infections such as colds and flu.

So how can we distinguish air conditioner shock from other ailments?

air conditioner strike

Doctors usually first of all, in patients who come with symptoms such as headache and high fever, performs some tests to rule out other health problems. As a result of these tests, if it is determined that the discomfort is not caused by a viral infection, the doctors will ask the patient’s level and type of air conditioning use.

There is no laboratory test that can diagnose an air conditioner crash, but experts can do some testing for dehydration (water loss) if they suspect an air conditioner crash and try to detect it that way. Actually There is no definitive diagnosis of this condition, nor does it have a specific treatment.

At this point, the main goal is to alleviate the patient’s symptoms. Complaints, drug treatments, plenty of fluid consumption against the danger of dehydration, warm shower to relieve fever, and a healthy and balanced diet in general It is one of the preferred methods to reduce the effects of air conditioner impact.


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