Is the Withdrawal Method Safe, What Are the Risks?

Withdrawal, or ejaculation, which is a much more common and risky birth control method than we think, never offers absolute confidence. Let’s take a closer look at what you need to know about withdrawal, a primitive birth control method.

There are numerous methods used to prevent pregnancy during sexual intercourse. Among these, the withdrawal method, also called ejaculation, is extremely common, but not as safe as we think. When the man feels this when he is about to ejaculate, he pulls his penis out of the vagina and The withdrawal method, which is based on the discharge out principle, Not recommended as it is extremely risky.

There is no medical risk of the withdrawal method, but since the main purpose of the application of this method is to prevent pregnancy, that is, birth control, unfortunately, it is not for everyone to apply it correctly. The fact that unintended pregnancies are the most common method explains a lot. Bride is extremely important for today’s world. risks of withdrawal, which is a primitive method of contraception. Let’s see closely.

What is the withdrawal method?

The withdrawal method, also known as ejaculation among the people, is a pregnancy prevention method that is applied in the form of removing the penis from the vagina and ejaculating out, feeling that the man will ejaculate during sexual intercourse, It is a method of birth control. Studies have shown that it is one of the most commonly used birth control methods among young people.

when we think It looks extremely effective. After all, the man’s sperm needs to ejaculate in order to reach the woman’s eggs, and with this method, the journey ends before it begins. However, it takes real experience for a man to feel when to ejaculate, and even a small delay can result in pregnancy.

Why is the withdrawal method preferred?


The withdrawal method requires no prior preparation. Its effectiveness has been scientifically proven today. For birth control methods, it is necessary to think ahead, do some procedures or at least have them with you. Withdrawal, on the other hand, is a method used to quickly intervene in instantaneous events.

Considering the condom prices, the fact that the withdrawal method is free is one of the factors considered as an advantage. It is also preferred because it does not reduce the pleasure during intercourse. It will also make it much safer if another method of birth control is used.

Risks of the withdrawal method:

unwanted pregnancy

Honestly, back off The method itself poses a risk. Let’s face it, a lot of men suffer from premature ejaculation, and it’s not for everyone to feel it and pull back a second before ejaculation. The withdrawal has to be made right before that moment, because no matter how much it withdraws when it starts.

For a woman to become pregnant, the man’s sperm does not have to reach the egg. Drop even a drop on the egg, If it reaches the external genitalia called the vulva, pregnancy is possible. Moreover, it is possible for the man to leave some sperm, even if it is very little, before ejaculation. So the climb starts without seeing the summit.

There is also the psychological aspect of the event, which cannot be underestimated. You get on the roller coaster at the amusement parks without any protection device. You say as a man, don’t worry, when the train starts to go downhill and can’t be stopped, I will hold you and myself. As a woman, you say okay, I leave all control to you. So now do you enjoy the moment Or when that irreversible moment comes, do you wait for that moment with anxiety to see if the man will really be able to gain all control?

Is an effective withdrawal possible?

back off

No one can guarantee this. Even if it succeeds dozens of times, if it fails once, pregnancy is inevitable. Relationships that use withdrawal as a birth control method Unwanted pregnancy is seen in 22% of them. It may seem like a low rate, but imagine what would happen if you were one of the 22 people out of that 100.

Do not use the withdrawal method at the time of full ejaculation but do a little earlier Of course, it can make this method more effective. However, do not forget that the climb starts before the summit, that is, sperm can come out before full ejaculation. Moreover, it is a fact that when applied in this way, the pleasure will decrease considerably.

So what shall we do?


Be safe, dear reader. Today, there are tons of birth control methods that have been scientifically proven to be effective. The spiral, the birth control pill, the hormone regulation and the must-have condom. Studies show that the most effective birth control method is condoms. Moreover, the use of condoms also reduces the possibility of sexual transmission. It is not highly recommended, but using the morning after pill is also an option that should always be kept in mind.

Also called ejaculation, which is a primitive method of birth control. What is withdrawal, what are the risks We answered curious questions such as, and talked about what you need to know about this not very effective method. Please do not take risks and do not attempt these things without using an effective method of contraception.

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