Is the Love Potion Real?

An Oxford University academic and doctor said a new ‘love potion’ could be produced in three to five years that could help save failed marriages.

The ‘love potion’ in fairy tales comes true! According to an Oxford University professor’s statement, ‘love potions’, which seem like something out of the movies, may be real. How Does? Let’s explain.

Oxford University evolutionary anthropologist Dr. Anna Machin said that there are four chemicals in the human brain that make us feel love: dopamine, serotonin, beta endorphins and oxytocin. Machin explained about brain chemistry that certain chemicals can be used as a medicine to improve your ability to find love and increase your odds of staying in love when the relationship goes bad.

Here is the raw material of that love potion: Oxytocin

Machin states that oxytocin is popular with commercial companies and helps people feel more confident when dating and that you can help them fall in love told:

“Oxytocin creates the effect of having a glass of energy drink before going out for the night. Oxytocin also increases the likelihood of falling in love when taken before meeting with a relationship potential individual for the first time. Similarly, it can help to mend relationships that have gone bad. However, there is a lot of stuff surrounding this issue. There are ethical questions and problems, so research will probably take a long time.”

A ‘love potion’ can be produced using oxytocin, Machin says. So if the ethical issues are one day overcome and an oxytocin-based love potion is actually produced, it’s for couples having problems in their relationships. a scientific solution will be produced.


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What are you thinking? Do you think relationship problems can really be solved using medication? Please do not forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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