Is the “Clitoris” Actually an Underdeveloped Penis?

The clitoris is an organ that has close to 8000 nerve endings and exists only to provide sexual pleasure. This organ, which is attributed to the female sex, has a surprisingly similar structure to the penis, which is defined as the male reproductive organ.

Clitoris And penis, They are important structures of the human sexual anatomy and both play important roles in sexual arousal and pleasure.

two separate gender These structures that we attribute are completely different from each other. with different features We think they have. But a closer look may surprise us.

We hear and know a lot about the penis. What about the clitoris?

The clitoris, one of the most important and complex organs of sexual anatomy, is much more inside than its visible part. like a hidden treasure.

The clitoris is an extremely interesting organ. It can continue to surprise you as you start learning about it. Until very recently, we had almost no knowledge of this organ. Penis and while there are thousands of articles on penile-related diseases clitoris There was very little about it.

Today, this body Nearly 8000 nerve endings that you only have and just to provide sexual pleasure We know that it exists and that it has no other purpose of reproduction or the like. Unfortunately, because of this feature, it is carried out in many countries today to prevent women from enjoying it. female genital mutilation There are applications of wounding and cutting the outer part of the clitoris.


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It is astonishing to see how similar the two organs are to each other: The clitoris also enlarges and becomes erect at the moment of stimulation, just like the penis.


The clitoris has nearly 8000 nerve endings. of sexual arousalintense pleasure and your orgasm is the main source. In the case of sexual arousal, just like the penis, the clitoris begins to fill with blood, enlarges and becomes sensitive. Intense stimulation of nerve endings gives the person a great sexual pleasure gives.

The clitoris is not just the visible part of it. Most of it resides inside the body and works with various nerve endings, blood vessels, and tissues.


In the upper part of the vagina, your little lips This organ, which is inside and looks like a small penis from the outside, is in its invisible part. to the testicles It shows great resemblance to the penis with its similar structures.

The clitoris and penis have the same basic tissues. Some scientists, the clitoris “female penis” named it, because they are both very similar. from embryonic structure develops.

The penis and clitoris are almost the same in the first stage when they begin to form in the womb.

This; Whether the organ will evolve into the clitoris or the penis depends on whether estrogen or testosterone hormones are dominant.

For example, born in a female body transgender people entering the gender reconciliation process testosterone hormone When they start taking it, their clitoris soon begins to grow to resemble a small penis without the need for further surgery.


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However, there are also important differences between the clitoris and the penis.


Most of the clitoris vagina It is found in the body and its only function is to provide sexual arousal. The penis is a larger structure from the outside, urine and semen acts as an ejection.

Also, the clitoris is much larger. nerve ending includes. Although the penis also contains nerve endings, the number is very small compared to the clitoris and in connection with this, arousal sensation is felt at a lower level.

Considering their similarities, we can think of an evolutionary relationship between the clitoris and the penis. However, it may not be correct to conclude that it is a small version of the penis.


penis and clitoris maybe evolution they may have been the same organ in their earlier stages, but today they are to a very large extent. two different organs they look like. Academic discussions and research on this subject continue.

There are many differences as well as common features, and we have scientific data is still insufficient in this regard. Therefore, her clitoris is only a “undeveloped penis” It may not be correct to define it as


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When you learn this information about the vagina, you will realize that you don’t know most things.

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