Is now the right time to get started?

20 out of 26 international analysts recommend the share as a buy – it is considered undervalued. Even so, there are risks that investors should be aware of.

Volkswagen posted record profits this year: after EUR 8.9 billion last year, analysts are forecasting almost EUR 14 billion this fiscal year. VW is also becoming more and more successful in the electromobility market: The Volkswagen Group delivered more than twice as many electric cars in the first half of 2021 than in the same period of the previous year. But although the future prospects and the current figures are correct, the share price has disappointed investors so far. Why is that? And is the share currently undervalued as a result? Handelsblatt share analyst Ulf Sommer knows more.

Also: Daimler Trucks went public today. A majority of the shareholders of Daimler AG decided a few weeks ago at the virtual general meeting to split the group into two independent companies. Automobile expert Franz Hubik talks about Daimler Trucks’ first trading day and the company’s chances of playing a permanent role in the DAX.

Further information on the Handelsblatt live event “Sneakers or watches? The investment battle with Daniel Benz and Marc Gebauer ”is available here.

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