Is It Possible to Sell Your Car in Turkey and Start a Life in the USA?

The number of people migrating from our country to different places has increased considerably in recent years. Of course, they may have good reasons. So, is it as easy as it seems to leave your life here and settle in a different country?

You must have come across videos explaining that a person selling his car in Turkey can easily establish a new order in countries such as the USA and Canada. In the videos, with the money of a car sold in Turkey, a new car, house rent, computer and many more can be bought in the USA.

Today we will learn together how realistic this scenario is. Thus, “I have an established order” Maybe we could have understood a little of the ‘pain’ suffered by those who say so. Let’s say We will move to the USA…

Let’s get this car out of our hands first. We couldn’t afford a Mercedes, we have Fiat Egea.

“It’s enough to cut us off our feet” The luxury choice of those who say, Fiat Egea, in Turkey second hand sales price is approximately 370 thousand TL. When we sell the car and convert the money into dollars, we get $19,844.

With this money, let’s deal with a passport and visa first.

usa passport visa

The amount you have to pay to get a visa to the USA in Turkey 160 dollars. Of course, let’s get a 10-year passport while we’re at it. The amount you have to pay for a passport valid for 10 years is 1,478 TL. This is the current rate $79.27 doing. The remaining $19,604 from the money of the car we sold.

Since our passport and visa are complete, let’s get our plane tickets.

usa flight tickets

If we choose a near date for our departure, we have to travel with prices starting from 25 thousand TL. Let’s move it a little further, say we’ll spend time with our family for a while, and when we buy tickets for about 1 month later, we will wait for the date of January 18, 2023. The most affordable ticket price is 12,092 TL. Our ticket cost 648 dollars. Our remaining money: $18,956. Of course, we only buy one-way tickets. Because we don’t know when we will return…

Let’s live in a nice place while we’ve been to the USA. For example, in Washington…

usa house price

Let’s move to a nice house in a nice neighborhood in Washington. Of course, you shouldn’t fly too much; We’re going to rent. in Washington-Graham 2700 dollar rent for 3 bedroom house we need to pay. After deducting our first rent, we’re left with $16,256.

There is a system similar to the one in our country in the USA and you have to pay some deposit when renting. Although this amount varies from region to region, up to 1-1.5 times your rental price may come out. Let’s assume that we have come across a more conscientious landlord and let’s assume that we have given 1 more rental fee as a deposit. So what we have left is 13,556 dollars.

We got used to the comfort of the car, so let’s buy a car that will sweep us off our feet.

fiat 500L usa

We have already used Fiat Egea enough in Turkey, let’s buy a different car this time. A manufactured in 2014 We bought the Fiat 500 L for $9,990. Of course, when we bought the car, our money decreased to 3,566 dollars.

Let’s spend this money on our hobbies now.

usa pc

Let’s assemble a computer where we can do our work, play games. We paid $1,299 for the case, mouse and keyboard. We also spent $259 for the monitor. We have 2008 dollars left.

playstation 5 usa price

We walked into Walmart, one of the biggest malls in the USA, and wanted to buy a PlayStation 5. As you can see above, ready-made sets look very attractive. Even when we bought a PlayStation 5 with all its accessories. The money out of our pocket is $809.99. So our remaining money is $1,198. Let’s keep this money in our pocket, let’s say we do your home shopping for a long time.

Everything is fine, but how will we pay the rent of our house in the following months?

passport visa

Of course we have to work for it. If you want to get a visa to move to the USA and live there, you must first there you need to have your business ready. After you find a job, you can apply for a work visa through the invitation sent to you. For this, you must either work in seasonal jobs (such as an agricultural worker), or be an expert in a job in the country you live in (at least a bachelor’s degree is required) or the company you work in Turkey must have US connections.

If you fulfill any of these conditions, you will receive your visa when your visa application is approved. Provided that it is valid for 3 years A temporary residence and work visa is issued. This period can rarely be extended for 1 more year.

Moving is not easy either.

move to usa

After you get a residence permit in the country, you are given a ‘social security number’. From your electricity, water, telephone bills to your credit card statements via this number.You can see all the payments you have made. Whether you make your payments on time or not also raises or lowers your credit score.

When you find a home “I’m holding this house” When you say so, not all houses are laid out in front of you at once. This security number we mentioned is being looked at. However, since you have just entered the country, this situation attracts the attention of the hosts when no payment you have made before is seen. So in short you “You came here only yesterday, you don’t even have a credit score. How can we trust you?” they say. In this case, the reference of an acquaintance living in the USA (if any) may be of use to you. Otherwise Finding a home can be quite difficult.

We got a job, we moved. So what about our salary?

usa salary

Hourly rates vary by state in the USA. For example, we just used it in our calculations. $14.49 per hour in Washington is paid. Your salary when we consider that the 40-hour-a-week system is applied $2,318 per month doing. So in this case, you can’t even pay the rent of your house.

However, in many occupational groups in the USA, wages are paid higher than the minimum wage. Here are some occupations and their average salaries:

  • Doctor: 2,470 – 35,200 dollar
  • Teacher: 4.010 – 15.300 dollar
  • Architect: 3,520 – 14,100 dollar
  • Lawyer: 2.940 – 23.500 You can work with a salary of $.

Being a doctor is hard. If we want to work on simpler jobs:

  • Childminder: 2,580 – 13,500 dollar
  • Cleaning staff: 2.060 – 4350 dollar
  • Employee: 2250 – 3000 You can earn between $.

Although it seems easy when we calculate it, moving to a different country exhausting both physically and mentally. it could be. As a matter of fact, let us remind you that your food and beverage expenses are not included in these calculations. Before moving to a place, our advice would be to talk to the people who live there first. Because it is not possible to see some things without experiencing them.


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In all calculations throughout our content 1 dollar 18.64 TL taken as.

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