Is It Possible to Have an Orgasm with Hypnosis?

“Erotic” hypnosis, which has recently become increasingly popular on online platforms, appears as a genre that aims to attract participants into sexual fantasy. Is it really possible to have an orgasm with internal erotic energy without any physical stimulation, or are the people we see in the video just acting?

Although sex is a part of our lives, conversations about it are difficult for many people. It is associated with shame. Many people who have sexual health problems or want to find information about sex want to experience this hypnosis by turning to online resources.

Do you think it is really possible to have an orgasm with hypnosis, which can be done face to face, via video conference or text chat? We wondered about this too and legally One of the first doctors to apply hypnosis in Turkey one who is Clinical Psychologist Şahin UçarWe asked some questions.

First of all, you can better understand what subject we are examining in hypnosis by watching the video.

Uçar: Hypnosis is misunderstood because of the movies.

In order to better understand how to have an orgasm with hypnosis, we first asked Şahin Uçar some questions about hypnosis. Uçar, because therapists use hypnosis in their treatments, misunderstanding of hypnosis and expressed that they are very sensitive to exaggeration, incomplete explanation and manipulation. The reason for this is Images from movies and TV series showed as.

Uçar said, “There are many events that support this misconception of hypnosis. The aim of various erotic videos or videos that make people cluck like chickens is to make people laugh and create mystery. This stage hypnosis or show hypnosis we say.

Also, in movies and videos, people shown in sleep state, Creating the perception that doctors make people do whatever they want causes people to be intimidated about hypnosis. These are also spread under the name of erotic hypnosis.”

There is no such thing as erotic hypnosis.

It flies, although there are different types of hypnosis There is no separate title called erotic hypnosis. expressed. Uçar says that even if hypnosis is used for sexual problems, there is no such type of hypnosis in practice and application, and underlines that the videos seen on online platforms are purely for show purposes.

The aim of these people, also called hypnotic phenomena, is to gain followers and followers on places such as YouTube. earn customers and money is happening. Uçar emphasizes that both the hypnotist and those under the influence of hypnosis know that people who orgasm in the videos do not sleep.

It is not impossible to have an orgasm with hypnosis.

show hypnosis

Uçar says that it is possible to have an orgasm with hypnosis, although it is not like the images in the videos. It’s not that easy. The real version and the stage version of this are actually divided into two.

Uçar states that in order for someone to be hypnotized, they must first want it and be prone to hypnosis. Uçar said, “Some events during the sex process may occur to people during the orgasm process. is explained by suggestion and they are asked to imagine. A person can have an orgasm because he or she already wants to be hypnotized. However, this is not something everyone can do. on person Hypnosis requires practice.” says.

What are the invisible aspects of stage hypnosis?

stage hypnosis

Fly, people of stage hypnosis to entertain, to arouse curiosity While saying that it is based on hypnosis, he explains that other situations actually develop under the hypnosis we see in the videos and scenes.

Uçar: “While watching videos of people having orgasms that you sound like you’re in ecstasy we think. Although it may seem surprising that a person can orgasm in this way, what happens behind the scenes and in front of them are not the same.

Stage hypnotists conduct some tests on the participants beforehand and It measures hypnotic susceptibility. He also has his eye on some people within the group. When the show starts, they invite those they want to the stage or ask ‘Who wants to volunteer?’ he asks. The people who took the stage in both of them are already more prone to hypnosis than other people things happen.

Suggesting those on stage and indirectly preparing them for hypnosis is also a part of the show. It cannot be explained directly, but In an indirect way, the person prepares for hypnosis.

Snapping your fingers is a movement done purely for show.

Uçar says that the typical movements that many people think of when hypnosis is mentioned, such as finger snapping, are purely for show. Uçar said that there is nothing more than voluntary people complying with what is done, and added that once the person feels ready for hypnosis, He said he could make love even on a chair if he wanted. expresses.

To summarize, people actually is susceptible to hypnotic suggestion It is quite normal for him to do what he is told. He has already attended the hypnosis session for the suggestions to be given and The subconscious also supports these suggestions.

Even though we are not aware of it, we are often subjected to hypnosis.

We also learned interesting information from Uçar regarding our question about types of hypnosis. social hypnosis There is a type of hypnosis called hypnosis. Advertisements, politicians and religious sects can be given as examples. While the aim of advertisements is to direct people to buy, the same goes for cults. In a sense, people are hypnotized by the speech of the sect spokesperson.

The way politicians express themselves, their tone of voice and their speech are also within the scope of social hypnosis. Social hypnosis is actually a kind of self-induced hypnosis It is defined as .

Hypnosis is not new, it is a very old practice.

history of hypnosis

The fact that this practice, which is for the benefit of humanity, has been known and used for centuries, increases the sensitivity of Uçar and other therapists. Uçar said, “Based on historical ruins and some archaeological excavations, we know that hypnosis practices performed like religious rituals heal people. Ibn Sina He also used hypnosis, which he called trance, in his surgeries.

Without an anesthetic, the people he operated on did not experience any pain. This is still the case today hypnosis anesthesia It can be done as . “With the suggestion, a person can give birth and receive dental treatment without feeling any pain.”

Let us mention one last detail before concluding our content. Hypnosis; Although memory movements are often used to recover lost memories or remove abuse, studies on them have shown a tendency to create false memories. That’s why many courts It prohibits statements based on hypnotic memories.

Only in some states of America, such statements are seen as secondary evidence. One of the reasons why it is not widely accepted in the world is that if a person wants The fact that he can lie even during hypnosis.

If you have attended hypnosis sessions before, comment below. your experiences We want to read.

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