Is it possible to buy a fake phone? Fake iPhone 15s are on the market!

On September 12, 2023, Apple introduced its new iPhone series to users. However, many users examined the new iPhone 15 closely and decided to purchase it. But there may be some people who feel a little disheartened when they see the price list in the Apple Store. Because the iPhone 15 128 GB version has a price tag of 49 thousand 999 TL. After this price, users so wrong turned to alternative solutions. Here is the answer to the question of whether to buy fake iPhones and fake iPhone 15s, which are sold for one-tenth of the price of the real ones…

It’s 10 times cheaper than the real thing, but is it safe? Is it possible to buy a fake phone?

Yes, there are tons of fake phones floating around in the market. It would be safe to say that everyone produces or sells fake phones. So what is the real basis of these devices? Who produces it? Here we start with the real questions that need to be asked. Regardless of the brand and model, fake phones are sold for almost one-tenth the price of each model they imitate.

These days, especially Samsung’s flagship S23 Ultra model and iPhone 15 Pro Max are among the favorites of counterfeit device sellers. But these devices actually threaten your health. Today, while even the iPhone 12, which is produced by Apple and has an Apple warranty, is banned in some countries due to radiation, how much can we trust fake phones that do not have any manufacturer and are produced under the hood?

iPhone 15 is out, but can you still buy iPhone 11?

iPhone 15 is out, but can you still buy iPhone 11?

Yes, iPhone 15 joined the Apple family. But can you still buy the iPhone 11 in this period when prices are so high? Here are the details…

Every electronic device emits a certain amount of radiation. We call this radiation event “SAR value”. This value is not a radiation rate that anyone can easily measure. A value that can be measured by competent people in private laboratories. In short, a brand pays a lot of money to laboratories to check the sar value of any of its products. If you ask if anyone asks this about fake phones, no.

Let’s say, “Well, these devices have exactly the same features, why shouldn’t we buy them?” To the answer to the feature part in the question. No, actually there is no such thing. None of the replica devices have a Samsung or iOS interface. These licensed contents cannot be taken by anyone else. The menu designs of the mentioned phones are prepared using only interface themes. You will understand this, especially when you enter the App Store of the device you purchased for iOS and see a very old Google Play version.

All parts of the devices, except the screen and the case, are made from very old and scrap Android devices sold wholesale by the kilo. That’s why the operating systems of the devices are very old and no applications are installed. For this reason, instead of wasting your money on a fake phone, you can go and buy an original cheap Android device from a known brand. Yes, it will not look as cool as an iPhone 15 when you put it on the table, but it will protect your health.

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