Is It More Reasonable to Own a Breed Cat or Tabby Cat?

The greed to commodify everything and turn it into money is battering both people and our nature more and more each day. One of the elements directly harmed by commodity production is pets.

In pet shops, animal circuses, zoos or farms for the sake of making money harmed animals constitute one of the greatest proofs of humanity’s cruelty against nature. The curiosity of people for various reasons other than ownership and protection causes animal rights to be violated and natural life damaged.

Some of the characteristics that breed animals have and that are cute to us. genetic deformations As a result of this, breed animals may have to spend their lives almost tortured.

Note: In fact, taxonomically, all domestic cats are of the same genus and species. It is wrong to use it as a “genre” among the people. “Variation” or “race” It is a more correct usage. Although we have taken cats as an example in the content, the same problems apply to other animals whose characteristics humans have changed by subjecting them to artificial selection.

Why does uncontrolled artificial selection reinforce diseases?

The effect of artificial selection is faster if individuals with similar characteristics are bred with each other. Animals because close relatives have more similar traits exposed to “incest” relationships. Therefore, the gene pool of that population narrows, leading to a decrease in the average immunity level of the animal and an increase in the incidence of genetic diseases, especially inherited through recessive genes, some of which can affect the health of the individual at very serious levels.


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Inbreeding is just as bad for our pets as it is for humans.


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It is known that the incidence of many diseases in “breed” dogs is higher than that of non-breeded dogs, with death rates from cancer.

Many hereditary diseases can be seen in selected variant (breed) cats.

siamese cat disease

Some of these diseases are caused by random mutations and occur in certain variations. these diseases are fixed, that is, it occurs more or much more than the average. In another case, a situation that directly impairs the health of the animal becomes a reason for selection for humans. Curved ears, flattened faces, long faces, short legs, no tail, no fur, excessively long hair, etc. People produce breeds with these characteristics that they think will create commercial value.

During this breeding process, close inbreeding is often carried out to fix these desired traits. Siblings are repeatedly mated with each other and with their parents. Offspring with the desired characteristics are selected and continued to be mated with them.

At the end of this process breeds with common features of disability and disease are obtained. These disabilities or diseases, such as flat-facedness (brachycephaly), are not mentioned as disabilities because they are considered cute by humans, and because they create commercial value for producers and unfortunately for some malicious people, they are not named, the people who will adopt animals are not clearly informed, but unfortunately, this is the case with countless cats. life at different levels distress, pain, suffering, affliction may cause it to pass through. Although some medical interventions can be done, recovery is almost never possible and the distress of animals can usually be reduced with only symptomatic treatments.

Of course, all individuals of such races (breeds) may not have equally bad and unhealthy lives, but when we look at the overall picture, we now have enough scientific data to understand that it is cruel to maintain this situation, that is, to reproduce animals of this nature.

british shorthair disease

British Veterinary Association (BVA), British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA), German Veterinary Association (BTK), International Cat Care Association (International Cat Care) should not be duplicated It has issued declarations emphasizing it and made campaigns (#HealthOverLooks #NotNormal).

Let’s not forget, if any feature of a pet prevents it from surviving without human support, reduces its quality of life, or causes a more difficult and unhealthy life than the absence of that feature, this feature can help people however cute it may seem, it is a disease, disability or anomaly.

Persian cats, which are predisposed to almost all of the genetic diseases seen in cats and born with respiratory problems like flat-nosed cats, also live in pain.

Persian cat disease

The fact that their noses are flat is due to their flat bones. For this reason, Persian cats with respiratory difficulties can also suffer from collapsed skulls. inflammation of the eyes and disorder of the dental structures they live.

This situation causes tears to not shed easily and causes the eye area to always be covered with an inflamed and brown circle. Tooth disorders, on the other hand, cause jaw disorders, making it difficult for them to feed. Also in Persian cats kidney stone The risk of occurrence is higher than other types.

Scottish Folds are known for their chiseled ears and rounded faces, and are the latest breed of artificial cat.

scottish fold disease

These cats, which are in great demand, are actually They spend their lives in pain. The skeletal system begins to collapse when the cartilage deprivation that causes their ears to look like they are cut off begins to show itself in the joints of their bodies. They have such a weak structure that lack of joints, due to skewness and deformation They may have to undergo lifelong treatment or surgery.

The probability of deafness as a result of genetic mutation in Ankara and Van cats with white hair and blue eyes is over 90% compared to other cats.

white cat deafness

The short legs that are characteristic of Munchkin cats are also caused by the deformation of the joints in their legs.

munchkin cat

As you can see on the X-ray, with a normal cat’s leg Munchkin cat’s leg The difference between them is clearly evident. If we mention the fact that he put his body on these tiny feet on top of the pain created by this situation, we think that we will agree that this is nothing but torture.

Apart from these breeds, Maine Coon, Siamese, Ragdoll, Munchkin and Manx cats and Norwegian Forest cats are other breeds that have such genetic problems.

You can adopt a tabby cat. Because it is both the healthiest and you can prevent them from fighting for life on the street.

marble tabby cat

When choosing a cat, it will be beneficial for all of us to choose a tabby cat. Remember that tabby cats have a large gene pool due to the interbreeding of many breeds. For this reason, tabbies showing a more robust structure are also They are quite active and intelligent compared to other breeds. also.

What is clear is that the animal trade will not be stopped unless someone’s economic returns are exhausted… But we can do something about it: First not buying a catWe can even start by not buying a cat. If we want to take care of a cat, we have to own as much as we can and if possible, we have to take care of our cat every day.

Sources: 1, 2, 3

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